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        I hop in the car with Ikki and Rohan.  They turn from the front seat.  "Not a word.  Especially to Meelo."  Ikki snickers.  

     I look at her and I sigh.  "What?"  "Did the governor wink at you?"  I laugh.  "Oh my spirits, he likes you."  I laugh at the thought.  "Shen is merely a friend, and a very interesting one."  She laughs.  "Yeah, I doubt it."  I sit up.  "Why?"  She snickers and turns around.  

     Rohan looks at me while she drives.  "If it's any consolation you could do way better."  I laugh.  "Why do you two think I like Shen.  Look, if you two want to pursue men or women then fine.  Just don't try to come up with a big scheme to get me hooked up with someone."  He gives me a blank stare and turns around.  

     We tour around the city a little bit more.  We get back to the house in time for dinner.  We go into the main house.  

    Meelo stood holding a spatula with a burlap sack beside of him.   I sigh and I look at Ikki and Rohan.  "Do I want to know what's in the sack."  The two look at the sack.  "To be honest we don't even know what's in the sack."  Meelo laughs.  "You don't want to know."  I sigh.  

       The bag starts to snore.  I point at the bag.  "Is there a person in the bag?"  Meelo kicks it.  "Uh, no."  Ikki approaches it.  I hold out my hand to keep Rohan from going near it.  Ikki opens the sack. 

     We quickly flinch.  We look at the bag.  There laid Shen.  My jaw drops, then I sigh.  "Meelo, did you kidnap The freaking governor of Ba Sing Se?!"  He shrugs.  "They told me to invite him to dinner, but he refused."  I glare at Ikki and Rohan.  

       They hold up their hands in surrender.  Rohan looks Meelo.  "Uh, we told him to invite Shen to dinner."  Ikki snaps at Meelo.  "WE DIDN'T TELL YOU TO KIDNAP MY FREAKING COWORKER!"  Rohan, Meelo and I flinch at her yelling.  

       Shen groans.  He opens his eyes.  He looks at the four of us.  "Shii-- Jinora?"  I wave.  "Hey, uh sorry."  He looks around.  "Why am I here?"  He notices Meelo.  "Y-y-you!  YOu kidnapped me!"  I sigh.  "That's my brother."  Shen gets up.  "I missed dinner.  The Dai Li are really good cooks.  Uh, can I eat here?"  I open my mouth to protest.  Ikki slaps her hand over my mouth.  "Sure, Shen!  Us airbenders never turn someone in need away."  He nods.  

      Dinner is awkward to say the least.  Meelo made some veggie rolls, rice, and some miso soup.  Shen drinks some soup.  "I'm not vegan, but this food rivals the Dai Li's food."  Meelo nods.  "I won the award for Best Food on Air Temple Island."  I chuckle.  

      We finish quickly.  I look at Shen.  "Is the Dai Li looking for you?"  He nods.  "Probably.  Thank you for the dinner, it was very good."  Meelo nods.  "Anything for a governor!"  He smiles.  "I guess I'll see you four later?"  He leaves.  

     Meelo waves.  "Bye!"  I slam the door.  I look at Meelo.  

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