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...eleven years ago...

       I blast Mako, Jinora, and Bolin away.  The other airbenders and I try to hold back the the Dai Li from getting to Tenzin and the others.  We watch them get away safely.  I send a powerful airblast knocking down a lot of Dai Li.  There's too many of them. 

         We get thrown back into the cells.  The next day the Dai Li takes us to an odd room.  One by one we slowly lose our will.  The Dai Li control us now. 

...Three years Later...

        A new governor has been appointed for Ba Sing Se.  He starts to take a liking to me. He orders the Dai Li agents to undo their brainwashing.  It all comes back to me. Jinora, Mako, Tenzin, Bolin. The governor asks for my name afterwards.  "It's Shen."  We shake hands.  I lied.  "Well, Shen I will teach you the ropes!"  The new governor takes me under his wing.

...Seven years later...

         I sit in my chair after my mentor's funeral.  The Dai Li agents are now under my control.  For now, I'm the acting governor and I plan to win this election. I order my agents to undo the brain washing of the airbenders. The airbenders are originally furious with me, but they remain loyal to me. They know that I tried to get my mentor to undo their brain washing.

One day in a meeting, a familiar face comes into my office. "Hi, I am Master Ikki. Uh Governor Shen do you need anything." I dismiss her. She looks so much like Jinora. She has to be a sibling. I sigh.

...a year later...

I point to the Sato mansion. "I want you guys to attack the Sato mansion. Do not harm anyone. If an airbender woman is there do not harm her. Afterwards two of you will infiltrate air temple island and attack the woman from the mansion." My airbenders leave. Hopefully my intel was right and that Jinora regularly goes to the Sato mansion for breakfast.

I leave the airstrip. I head into the city. I go to my hotel and I start to unpack. I wait for the call. My phone rings. "Governor Shen." "Yes, Governor, this is Master Tenzin of the Air Nation. I am calling in regards to a reported airbender attack. You may be next and it may have something to do with your arrival. I wish to speak with you." "Okay, I will head right over there!" "Thank you, and goodbye." He hangs up.

I head into one of the Jasmine Dragon chain restaurants. I order my coffee.  I head outside.  Some woman bumps into me causing my coffee to spill onto me.

I shake some of it off and I dab my shirt with some napkins. "Sorry! I didn't mean to!" I glance at her. I feel my gut getting sucker punched. Jinora. I quickly pick up my cup and I throw it away. "My fault, I need to leave." I walk off.

She follows me. "What's your name?" Don't lie, Kai. "Shen." We head to the air temple together.

Within hours Jinora's in my hotel lobby. We talk. She keeps asking me about Kai or myself. I lie.

I head home a few days after talking to her.

I get through some morning meetings, then lunch time. I head out of the capital building.

In Ikki's bright red satomoblile there's Jinora in the passenger seat. I approach her.

We eat out. Then her brother kidnaps me. I eat dinner with her and her family. As I leave I get this headache. Our spirits must be trying to reconnect. I head home.

Li and I finish visiting his mother at the market. Surprisingly we see Jinora and her younger brother.

     Jinora and I spend some time together around the park. 

         Tonight's headache is stronger than lasts.  I really need to confess or stay away from her. 

        I look at Mr.  Beifong.  "There's an airbending crime syndicate here.  They've been stealing.  I was wondering if the avatar and you will handle my problem."  He nods.  "I can.  Not sure about Korra."  Avatar Korra glares at me.  "I can, but we have a police friend in Republic City we'll need to come down."  I nod. 

        I look at her.  "I'll arrange a transport."  The doors slam open.  Mrs Sato and Jinora stand glaring at me. 

       Mrs Sato suddenly drags me across my table.  She asks where her kids are.  "I don't know what you're talking about."  Her and the avatar step out of the room. 

    I dry a bloody nose.  Then Jinora suddenly grabs me and slams me up against the wall. "You lied. None of the airbenders are Kai. What did you really do with him?" I blast her back with air.

I straighten my shirt. "I, am Kai." Everyone in the room stares at me.

A/N. Since these last two chapters are big reveals and plot twists I'll upload the next chapter at the end of the week

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