Dinner, again, but with friends!

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        Rohan and I help our siblings prepare a large dinner.  I chop some onions while Ikki washed off some cabbage. 

        I look at her.  "What airbenders are coming here?"  She switches to washing off some potatoes.  "Uh, Opal, Sai, Tai, and Xaio.  Also, Bolin and Asami are coming here too."  I nod.  "Alright.  Asami's staying here?"  Ikki shakes her head.  "No, she's staying at a Future Industries hotel.  she said that it'll help focus on work.  Opal and Bolin are here because Opal heard about Kai and wanted to help.  Plus Suyin had some kind of diplomatic thing to deliver to Shen and some other government officials here in Ba Sing Se."  I nod.  I put the onions in a pot then I start cutting up the potatoes that Ikki had washed. 

     I hand my pot to Meelo.  He turns to Ikki and I.  "I think Sai, Tai, and Xaio just staying here for the night then they're headed to Yai for some kind of bandit trouble."  "Okay.  Watch the corn."  He turns around and looks at his pots. 

       Ikki starts to help me with the potatoes.  "I think that I am going to be in the office all day tomorrow.  Dad gave Meelo a mission, so he's going tomorrow to Zaofu to help with some problems there." I laugh. "That's for kidnapping a governor." Meelo sighs. "Whatever. You ladies are jealous because Meelo The Man is getting out of this trashy place." Ikki and I look at him.

The three of us start laughing.  Rohan looks at us from the living room.  "What are you three laughing about?"  Ikki puts her elbow on the countertop and she smiles at him.  "An inside joke."  He rolls his eyes and continues to watch TV. 

     I look at Meelo.  "How long has it been since we've gotten to just have a nice moment together?"  Meelo chuckles.  "Too long.  I'm leaving first thing in the morning.  Do you guys want me to leave some of mom's snacks?"  I laugh.  "You can take them all."  "We're not leaving until we can get the rogue airbenders."  He nods.  "You mean Kai?  How did Korra put it?  You and Kai have a connection?"  "Had, and that was over ten years ago. That spiritual connection is gone. I doubt I'd be able to recognize him now." Ikki flicks my head. "You're just mad because you're not connected to your first crush anymore." I nudge her. "Kai wasn't my first crush. Meelo, potatoes," I hand him the potatoes.

I look at Ikki. "Can't you get started on the noodles? I'm going outside for a bit." She grumbles. I walk out the door. I hear it shut behind me. I open it and I stick my head in the doorway. "Do not disturb me." Ikki sticks her tongue out at me.

I head outside. I go over in the grass. I sit down to meditate. I close my eyes.

I think about that night. In front of the earth queen's temple. Kai and the others staying behind.  Kai shooting Mako, Bolin, and I with a powerful air blast so then we'd stay back.  I sigh. 

      I open my eyes.  I can't connect to him.  I can feel the other airbenders from that night, but not him.  I sigh.  I walk over to the Stables.  Pepper is sleeping.  I pet her. 

    I look at the sky, it's a pretty orange color with some pink clouds . I can still see some light blue over in the horizon. I must've been outside for a good two hours.

I head back into the house. Meelo and Ikki have started to set the table. Ikki's the first to notice me. "Did your spirit powers work?" I glare at her. "They work just fine. I just can't connect to Kai's spirit is all." She sighs. "Meelo, Jinora's spirity powers are broken!" I sigh. "They aren't broken!" She laughs. I let out a small laugh. "Okay, that was kind of funny, but seriously stop it. They're not broken." She puts her hands up in surrender and nods.

I hear a knock at the door. "That must be Opal, Asami, and Bolin." Meelo sprints to the door. He opens it.

I look past him to see Korra and Asami, along with their kids. I look at them. "I thought it was just Asami?" Asami shakes her head. "I told Ikki that my family and I would come here, but we kept breaking up. Also, Xaio radioed us and he said that they're just going to head to Yai instead of staying for dinner." I nod. "Uh, Meelo, invite them in!" He snaps out of a trance. "Oh, uh yeah!" He invites them in.

Asami and Korra sit at the table while their kids went to play with Rohan. I sit down. I look at them. "So, are you two staying at Asami's hotel here?" Korra nods. "Yep, and tomorrow Sami's going to her research labs with the kids while I'm stuck in a government meeting thing." She crosses her arms.

Asami puts her hand on Korra. "I'm taking our kids on a quick tour of the facility here then we're going to runaround Ba Sing Se for awhile." She gives Korra a quick kiss on the cheek. Korea looks at me. "Have you been able to find Kai?" I shake my head. "No, there's two airbending thieves here." Korra nods. "Yeah, Tenzin filled me in. I think that's the topic of some of the meetings Ikki, Bolin, and I will be in." I look at Ikki.

She notices me then she runs into the other room. Korra sighs. "I wouldn't get mad at her though, they're Ba Sing Se meetings which means that we have to listen to that stuck up governor's voice the entire time." Asami kisses her cheek again then Korra perks up.

Asami looks at her wife. "Come on honey, Governor Shen isn't that bad." Korra looks at her. "He's a jerk, Sami." I look at the two. "I hate to say this, but Asami's right. Shen is pretty nice." Asami smiles at her wife.  "I told you."  Korra giggles. 

        Another knock sounds at the door.  I get up. "I'll get it."  I open the door to Bolin and Opal. 

     Bolin waves.  "Hey, Jinora!"  I move out of the doorway.  "Uh, come in you two!  Welcome!"  They sit down. 

     I help Ikki and Meelo with the food.  We sit down.  Asami and Korra call for their kids to get some food.  Rohan comes and grabs a plate then he goes back into the living room. 

       We watch Korra and Asami give their kids food.  The kids sit down in the living room with Rohan. 

     I look at Korra.  "Your kids are so adorable."  She laughs.  "Yeah, they are."  Bolin looks at us.  "I think mine and Opal's baby will be perfect!  The best!"  We laugh.  Korra looks at Bolin.  "Where's Mako?"  Bolin's laughter dies down.  "He said that he has better police work to do than to chase ghosts."  Korra frowns.  "Really?  I figured he'd want to see your cousins."  Bolin shakes his head.  "No, and  Tu's gonna be at the meeting tomorrow."  Korra nods.  "I got the memo."  I look at my food. 

    I eat some potatoes.  I look at Korra and Bolin.  "So, Bolin, do you really think this rogue airbender is Kai?"  Bolin nods.  "I do.  I also kind of want to prove Mako wrong.  Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but if there's a chance that Kai's alive well."  I nod.  "I can understand your reasoning.  Our father believes that Kai is alive.  I haven't felt his spirit at all while we've been here."  Bolin sighs as he eats.  "Stuff like that just happens."  He eats some spinach. 

       Tonight's dinner is definitely not as awkward as the other night. It's like a small get together instead of Meelo kidnapping a governor and forcing him to eat with us. 

     I finish my food.  I put my dishes in the sink.  I go and I sit back down.  Asami starts to talk about her facility.  Bolin cracks some jokes.  As soon as everyone is finished Korra and Asami leave with their kids. 

     I get up.  "I think I'll turn in for the night.  I've got another headache."  Ikki nods.  "Okay, we won't wake you up."  I pat her back and I head to my room. 

Shen's POV: 

        I punch the punching bag.  I back away and I blow air at it.  Li comes into my gym.  "Hey, uh Dinner's ready."  "I think I'll pass.  Headache is back."  He sighs.  "You gonna tell your girlfriend?"  I glare at him.  "Jinora is an old friend."  He laughs.  "Yeah right.  I see the way that you look at her.  You two had a connection."  I wipe my face off.  "Goodnight Li."  He laughs.  "Sure thing Governor Shen."  He leaves. 

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