
113 13 34

October 28th, 2020

Sarah squinted, the bright light blinding her as she rolled the blinds up. 

It was Monday morning. 

And Sarah had to get to work.

As her eyes adjusted to the bright shafts of light that had streamed into the room so suddenly, she bent down to pick up a pair of black socks lying next to their queen bed.

Her nose scrunched, her lips pursed and she pinched the end of the socks, holding it as far as possible from herself. 

What does Adam do to his socks that they stink like durian?

Gingerly throwing them into the hamper, she turned around and gave the room a sweeping glance. The bedsheet was crumpled; the comforter lay scrunched up at the foot of the bed; clothes lay sprawled across the dresser. 

Sarah rubbed her right hand over her eyes and nose, frustration rising up her neck. There was already so much of work to do, and now her room was messy too.

She let her hands fall to her sides, sighed, and made her way out of the room. She'd do that later.

First, she had to have breakfast.


Sarah sat down with her toast and coffee. Her brown hair was hurriedly tied back into a bun and loose streaks fell across her eyes.

She bit into the bread, slowly turning the lump of food with her tongue. As her thoughts wandered, she thought of last night's dream. It had been peculiar, and had shaken her to the core.

They were at an open house.

Sarah slipped the business card that she had been holding into her purse, and walked over to where her husband stood. As she arrived, he turned away from the petit red haired girl he had been talking to, and saluted Sarah.

Sarah's smile widened, and she tapped his arm.

"I think we should go home now." 

He nodded, smiling back at her.

A man clad in a black suit made his way over to them, and Adam brought his hands down, breathing out just a bit.

They spoke for a bit, and Sarah wiggled her toes inside her heels. 

She felt like lunging at the red head. The girl wouldn't stop staring at Adam!

The couple finally sat down in the car, and Sarah sighed.

Suddenly, the setting changed to their living room. The two of them sat at the table, coffee mugs in their hands, the lamp in the corner offering a soft glow.

Adam cleared his throat.

"Sarah, I have to tell you something."

She looked up at him, his tone scaring her.

Suddenly, breakfast didn't seem so appealing anymore.

Pushing her plate forward and scrapping her chair backward, Sarah got up as she tucked some hair behind her ear. 

It was just a dream, she reminded herself, shaking her head.

Picking up her plate of unfinished toast, she walked back to the kitchen, getting straight to work.


Adam walked into a polished home that evening.

Dusting his shoes off at the entrance, he smiled at his wife as she stood in the foyer.

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