Part 17 The calm before the storm.

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Alex's face was relaxed during Reese's declaration. The calm before the storm. "Weak" that word played on a loop in Alex's head. I'm not scared or weak by any means but That's how he thinks of me just small and weak, he doesn't see me as an equal. Reese's words may sounded sweet and like they where genuine, but his word where just that. Words.

His actions over the years have shown me that if I don't do something now my future is going to look a lot like what it is now and I don't want that. maybe time away could remedy that, maybe if I find something to focus on just myself, the idea of loving Reese wouldn't be so bad. But the real question is how do I convey these thoughts out loud without Reese freaking out and throwing me in some kind of make shift dungeon.

I stand  in front of him thinking my words out carfully. I take a breath and stare him in the eye's so he knows I'm serious. "Reese the way you think of me is the problem, I'm not weak, we aren't kids anymore and I can defend and take care of myself. Why can't you see that."

I walk away from Reese and gaze out the large window I need to take a breath and say this now, or I may never get the chance to again. Turning to face Reese I say " I want to temporarily leave the pack, there is no way I can see us making this work if I stay here with you."

Reese's glare was murderus to the point that you would think I told him I had just keyed his car.
" like hell is that ever happening. Especially after you tried to escape the pack twice. If I let you go now you will never come back again." He was seething as he came closer.
"Why can't we try to make this work I'm not saying It will be easy, but...goddess Alex at least give us a chance to move forward." He says trying to caress my face with both hands but I turn way from him and take a few more steps back.

"Your not even listening to me Reese, why can't you see I need space. What do you think we can gain from this." I say meaning our present situation.

"Do you think that one day I'm going to wake up and be ok with not having a say in my life anymore ? that one day I'm going to be Your sweet little mate? I'm trying to find a solution but I can see there is nun. You can forget whatever life you pictured for us because im never going to be your sweet little mate, forget whatever fantasy's you thought up about us because the second I get the chance im out of here." I say letting it all out. I feel the emptiness of my words as they leave me and it leaves me light headed and ready to slide to the ground at any moment.

Reese looked angry, he didn't step any closer but I could tell he was fighting the urge to do so.

"Your not leaving Alex...even if I have to keep you under lock and key. Like it or not I am your alpha now and you will listen to me."
His eyes changed and his voice radiated power as he spoke.

" your not going anywhere Alex, your going to stay here where your safe.. you seem to have forgotten that you where attacked by rogues and even if the rogues that tried to kill your are dead the pack they came from is still live and somewhere in the forest. the sent of your blood is drawing them closer and you know as well as I do ones Rogue wolves lock on to a sent of blood they don't stop tracking until the source is killed. Even if I wanted to let you run away, and I don't!" He said with a glare in my direction. "You would be in danger."

I start to feel more light headed so I walk the small distance to the bed and sit on it.

" your not leaving this room tonight, your parents know where you are and have approved my request to keep you here. For now you will have guards to keep you safe. We will talk more about school and punishment for what happened this afternoon at a later time." He said sounding as deflated as I felt. I heard him make his way to the exit door. He knocked twice signaling to the guards outside that he was ready to leave.

"For now got some rest Alex..Im not giving up on us" he said then exited the room.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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