Chapter 10 Reese's birthday{Reese}

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Hi everyone sorry this chapter took so long to publish, thank you for your patients.
Reese's POV

The sun was hitting me in the eye's, waking me from my amazing dream. Alex and I were swimming in a lake in the middle of nowhere. I had pinned him against the dock that was protruding out of the glimmering water. My face was inches away from his smiling one as he squirmed and tried to break away from my grasp, but I wouldn't let him. Ones he had realized he couldn't escape he lay his head back and just stared into my eye's. The smile on his face and the small giggles that came from him were so tempting that I couldn't hold back anymore. I picked his face up by his chin in my left hand and leaned in closer. My lips were inches from his and I was finally going to get to kiss him. But instead, I woke up alone and horny like every other morning.

I jumped out of bed and walked from the Guest room to my own room in search of new clothes. Well, I did bring clothing with me to the guest room but in truth, all I want to do is see Alex, ones I smell his sent I will know if he is actually my mate or not.

Upon walking down the hallway my room is located in I catch his faint scent, but it doesn't seem any different to me. My hands start to clench while I walk. Now I'm worried but I won't let my fears stop me. For all I know my sense of smell hasn't developed yet and that's why his sent isn't any different to me.

I'm finally in front of my bedroom door after what felt like the longest walk down a hallway ever. I take a few minutes before going in, this is the moment I've been waiting for scenes I was Thirteen. This is where I find out if Alex is truly my mate or not. I slowly but surely push open my bedroom door. Alex was still asleep wrapped in my comforter. I take a good hard look at his sleeping for, trying my hardest to feel something different than I already do. But there was spark no magical on a switch, not even a wave of inputs from my wolf to claim him. Nothing that I was told the mate bond felt like happened when I looked at Alex's sleeping form on my bed. Alex wasn't my mate.

Tears where Daring to escape my eyes. The boy I've been in love with for five years will never be mine. I will never get the chance to hold him, to hug kiss him. I couldn't look at him any longer the tears were spilling down my face like waterfalls. I quietly closed the door to my room being careful not to wake him. I then Wiped the tears from my face making sure to keep my expression an unreadable mask as I walked to the fitting room. I was 4 hour's early but I felt so devastated, I didn't want to see anyone else today. I don't know how I can make it through the rest of the day.

getting ready for my coronation this afternoon was like I was an intruder in my own body. There were to house keepers helping me get ready for the day. They had arrived in the room one hour after I had. They looked shocked to see me there so early but they quickly went to work getting my suit ready for me as I sat in the chair trying to stay out of there way and look like I wasn't having a breakdown one hour ago. If they had noticed his red my facs was from crying they hadn't said anything about it.

When I put on my white blazer and looked at myself in the mirror I can see how good the clothes look on me. the black under shirt and white tie pared with white slacks and black wing tips. Bring out my golden complexion and make me look older. I could see my face clearly but it felt like I was looking through the eyes of a stranger. Am I ready to lead this pack? Can I do the job my father has done for so many years, just as good as he dose. Am I going to be happy with my mate now that I know that it's not going to be Alex. These questions run through my head as my father collects me to go onto the stage and become the next alpha of the pack. I won't have control of the pack right away. I will first need to finish school then head to a private university for my last year of training. Jack will come with me for he is to become my right hand man. At the university we will be taught pack law and do parter building exercises to strengthen our bond as alpha and beta. I make my way to the stage in the pack square and freeze in place as I look at Alex on stage talking with Jack he looked amazing with a button up maroon shirt and black slacks that look like the where painted on him the way they cling to his body and show off every curve. But that's not why I almost pass out at the site of him. Alex was standing there...wearing a bow tie. If there is one thing,one thing on this earth that can make my brain go crazy with lust, it's seeing my cute little runt in a bow tie.

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