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"He invited you?" Katie queried. "That git said no other house was allowed to join. That was rubbish."

"Are you going?" Alicia beamed.

"I haven't really thought about it." Lyra admitted, closing her textbook. "I thought perhaps he felt sorry for me or something. I also am not one for parties."

"Oh come on, it could be fun. If the host wants you there, you must attend." She stated with a hopeful smile.

"This could be an opportunity to show them all you aren't a prat." Katie injected.

"I'm not a prat!" Lyra scoffed.

"We know that. But not the others. They still think you're working for Umbridge."

"It's going to be fun! My dad sent me some Bubble Gum vodka. It taste just like it! The burning isn't so bad."

"Oh, my mum has raved about it." Katie replied.

"Would you want me there?" Lyra muttered.

"Of course!" The girls exclaimed.

So it was set. Lyra would join Gryffindors. She didn't have any casual wear, so she just put on one of her black jumpers and black skirts. She had a nice white undershirt with her collar adjusted nicely. She felt very awkward. She knew she might be harassed, but her friends would protect her.

She walked down the stairs to the Slytherin common room. She saw Draco on the couch, arm around Pansy while he is talking to Blaise Zabini. The three of them look at Lyra suspiciously.

"Where are you going?" Draco questioned.

"For a walk." Lyra shrugged.

"Really? A walk? Are you wearing makeup?"

"I always do. I'm going on a walk." She rushed out of the dungeons, she felt her palms begin to sweat and her heart race. She was filled with anxiety.

She made it to the Gryffindor common room. She stared at the Fat Lady. She could hear music on the other side. It was soft, but noticable in the quiet corridors.

"A Slytherin," The Fat Lady scoffed.

"Er... Hi... Codswallop?"

"Hmmph, I see they gave you the password. Don't touch anything." The portrait swung open.

"Er... Thanks." She stepped inside to see students laughing, drinking and possibly smoking by the haze and smell of skunk.

She saw a stretch of a table with cups set up at each end. She spotted students with cups filled with definitely not water.

"Lyra!" She heard Katie exclaim. The girl gave her a big hug before giving her a cup that smelled strongly of bubble gum. "It's watered down, don't worry, it isn't completely vodka, that'd be mental. Follow me." She grabbed her hand and was maneuvered around students who gave Lyra a suspicious look, just like her brother. She tried her best to keep her head down.

She sat down between Katie and Alicia on a red couch. At their feet was Cormac McLaggen, a boy in their year. Across from her was Lee Jordan on the ground drinking fire whiskey. On the couch across from them was Angelina sitting on Fred's lap and then George who was refilling his cup.

"Glad to see you made it." George greeted over the Weird Sisters playing on the radio.

"Of course she made it!" Alicia replied drunkenly. "Let's play never have I ever!"

"That will be hard for the Slytherin princess." Angelina taunted as she brought her cup to her mouth. Lyra realized it was the twins who smelled strongly of skunk.

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