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"They are coming up." Alicia's face was pallor.

The NEWTs were right around the corner and everyone were sick to their stomachs. Lyra had a nervous breakdown and started hyperventilating, Alicia and Katie had to calm her down and tell her she will do fantastic.

"I-I think I'm going to vomit." Lyra gagged.

"Don't think about it!" Katie injected hastily.

They looked around frantically in the library for that terrible librarian. The coast was clear and they could breath easier.

"George is trying to be sweet in our letters, but he's not very good at making me feel better. He makes jokes to relieve the tension but it only makes me even more sick. He once said I could work for him if I fail them. I know he's kidding but it caused me to study harder." Lyra ranted.

"He's a boy, Lyra." Katie said as if that was all the clarification needed.

"And Fred's twin, they don't have a serious bone in their bodies." Alicia added.

Lyra nodded her head. "Is anyone else losing their hair from stress?"

"I lost a clump." Alicia said with a smile.

"I lost a hand full." Lyra sighed sadly.

"Once these tests are out of the way, we will be better off." Alicia sighed.

"Lyra, you are smarter than you give yourself credit for. You've been studying for years, you will pass." Katie comforted.

"Thanks, Katie." Lyra laid her head on her friend's shoulder briefly. "I need at least Exceeds Expectations in Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Herbology, and Defence Against the Dark Arts to become a healer and I really hope I can do it. I really want to be a healer."

"We believe in you." Katie said sweetly.

"I'm the one who needs luck." Alicia grumbled.

"We've been studying like nuts! I think you can do it. We will pass... We have to." Lyra replied with reason.

Towards the end of May, it had started.

Lyra barely slept a wink. She was so sick with nerves. She sat in the great hall preforming the written exam for charms. She chewed on her nails as she wrote, occasionally looking up at professor Flitwick who occasionally made sure no one was trying to cheat. When the practical part happened, she was shaking as she preformed the charms that was required, she managed to succeed nicely.

The ones she struggled with was potions and transfiguration. She had been studying for a long time and without that, she wouldn't be able to calm herself and focus on transfiguring a teacup into a gerbil. She was able to come up with a song to remember potion ingredients, her and Alicia had a fun time coming up with one, when she glanced over, she could see Alicia reciting the words as she worked. They write those lyrics as if they were in a band. It was silly, but effective. She screwed up the song a little but watching Alicia mouth the words helped her back on track.

Herbology was a breeze and so was Defense against the Dark Arts. Of course, Snape was annoying as ever.

By the beginning of June, they were free. There were parties thrown and students hot drunk off their tits. Lyra got hammered,doing shots after shots! Alicia was so drunk, she vomited in a plant pot. Katie had to babysit them.

The next day was not so fun. Lyra stayed in bed for most of it. Her dormmates would purposely slam doors and loudly talk to bother her.

Once she recovered, she sat out in the sun with her friends should they waited for test results. Lyra's birthday sent by in a flash, she hardly noticed she turned 18. Her birthday was a very small affair, she was just happy to have friends around her. The house-elves made her a cake with candles,it was the best birthday ever.

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