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Narcissa couldn't help but be distant at the dinner table. She poked at her plate, and consumed more red wine than she typically did. She drained her glass fast and quick to refill it. She couldn't tell Lucius, but what was she to do? She watched Lyra eating her dinner innocently, not paying attention to the conversation between Draco and Lucius.

"You should have seen their pathetic faces!" Draco laughed. "I'm sure they are getting months of detention."

"Did you have fun today, Lyra?" Narcissa asked abruptly, taking attention off from Draco. They all looked from Narcissa to Lyra.

"I did." She replied softly.

Bellatrix leaned her elbows onto the polished table. "Cissy why do you look so tense?" She loved drama.

"I'm not," Narcissa leaned back in her chair. "Are you well prepared for your NEWTs next year?"

"I'm more than prepared. And I'll have more down time to study even more. I want top marks." Lyra replied sternly.

Lucius actually looked at her with a proud expression. "Good, then I think you are rewarded to practice your other studies, you haven't had time to practice the piano, you should focus on that. Something to show Sebastian when he comes to visit."

That was the last thing she wanted to think about. That Frenchman coming into her house, a practical stranger, trying to read her to see if he could tolerate her for the rest of their lives. He was much older than her, she was certain he'd see her as inferior immediately. It would be odd if he couldn't see she was merely just a child. She was too immature, not fit at all to be a wife.

"Yes, father." Lyra replied. "May I go to Diagon Alley this summer? It'd be lovely to get out of the house more." She really hoped he'd say yes. She couldn't stand being in the house much longer with her aunt in the house and her sick grandfather.

"If your exams are all exceptional, I'll consider."

Lyra just nodded her head. Although she knew Draco didn't need to ask, he could go wherever he wanted. She had heard a number of times, him telling them his plans and they hardly at anything back. It was always her who needed permission. She needed permission for almost every fucking thing. She is lucky to be able to go to the loo without asking first.

Narcissa never mentioned what she saw. She didn't think she could say it out loud. She tried to pretend it didn't happen. Perhaps she saw him wrong. Perhaps she dreamt it all.

Lyra was soon back on the train back to school. She never told her parents of her ambitions, but she knew admitting she was seeing someone to her mother was a big enough shock. She wouldn't be able to beat enough news.

She wanted to read a history book of St. Mungo's and sat in the upperclassmen area, at a table by a window. She was heavily engrossed into her book. She wanted to learn more about it before looking at the book on the apprenticeships. She knew she wasn't going to be a healer most likely, but she still held on the sheer hope her husband would let her work. Though, she wasn't certain he'd let her go to St. Mungo's, he might see it as too far. Maybe he'd suggest one in France. Her French was dreadful, she hoped he didn't notice.

George sat with his brother and their shared group of friends. He watched as Lyra was trying to read and shot daggers at someone who laughed too loud or Fred yelling. He even teased her by sending a mini firework to go off in her face. People laughed as she nearly flew out of her seat. As much as it was funny, George knew Lyra was too sensitive and was already on the verge of shouting.

She looked at Fred as if she wanted to kill him. She then grabbed her book and muttered about going somewhere more quiet. Angelina remarked that she was testy. George wanted to check on her, but he wouldn't even know where to look.

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