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Lyra was trying to save her relationship. She had to. So, studying was started to be done in moderation, especially after she aced her last two quizzes and Healer Sallow told her not to overwork herself. He also told her he saw the day where he was working under her. That made her heart flutter and she almost threw herself into his arms and hugged him close. But once Louisa tried to hug him and it didn't end well.

Lyra dressed real pretty, she put in dangling earrings and had her hair up. She even put red lipstick on. They were going to a nice restaurant, one that was still open in town. He was excited when she told him.

When he arrived to pick her up, he was dressed sharply. She gave him a big grin and kissed his soft lips. They had a nice date ahead of them.

When they arrived, they had a window seat, wasn't much of a view but there were large crystal chandeliers and a red carpet. The tables had white table clothes and everyone looked so posh.

George had trouble reading the menu. "What is veal?"

"Calf," Lyra answered. "Don't get it. They nearly torture the poor baby."

"Got it, we are boycotting veal." He nodded his head as he scanned it some more.

"I'm getting lobster," Lyra announced.

"And that's not cruel?" He smirked.

"It's not a prolonged death. The calf only knows suffering." She counter.

"Fair point, my love. Fair point."

They ordered wine for the table and like a gentleman, he poured her a glass, filling it to the brim, making her laugh. Old people looked at them and scowled.

George raised his glass. "To us,"

"To us," they clinked their glasses and took a sip.

"Want to see who can finish their glass first?" He asked.

"We are supposed to be classy, George."

"What's more classy than chugging red wine in a five star restaurant?"


The waitress came over to see if they were ready to order. Lyra bit down her jealousy at seeing her smile a little too much at George and she knew she wasn't just making it up in her head because George made a lame joke and the waitress laughed like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. But Lyra wasn't going to start a fight. They've been fighting nonstop as of late. Their last argument was a few days ago as she was studying at his house. He kept trying to kiss her and she snapped at him. She didn't want to have sex. She yelled at him, calling him a horny dog and all he wants is sex.

"You never want to have sex! You are always studying or not in the mood!" He shouted at her.

"I don't need to justify for why I don't want you fucking me!" She shouted back, a vein popping out of her neck. "You fucking horny bastard!"

"Oh! Real mature! I'm a horny bastard? You are a fucking prude!"

"Fuck you, George Weasley!"

She stormed out of the flat, taking her things with her. He let her go as she slammed his door behind her. She broke down in tears as she walked down the stairs. She stopped and sat on them as she broke down.

She then heard someone enter the stairs and they stopped on the landing as she wiped her tears.

"Look, I'm sorry, Harp." She heard George say softly behind her. "Maybe I have been pushy, I'm sorry."

The Black Sheep | George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now