Chapter 11

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''That's none of your business!'' If a fight got unleashed now, it was surely my fault. I tried to stay out of it, just in the hope not to get a conscience even worse. ''I'm your friend. We spent so much lifetime together and now you don't wanna tell me what's going on? Don't you trust me?'' I saw this tear on her cheek and this tear softened me up. ''Rau-chan...Rau-chan please don't cry. I can't see this, this just hurts my little heart too much.'' Also Hii-chan's face wrinkled slowly and she looked at Rau guiltily. ''Rautan, Hii-chan and me...well how can I merely explain...'' I teared my hair inconspicuously, this was truly harder than I thought it would be.

''Do you you know how that is...oh well...everybody has their flaws, knock-knees, crooked teeth, bad table manners, but do you know the feeling when you surely know this one person has a flaw but you can look over it just to admire how beautiful this person really is? When you just can get lucky by a human being just existing? That has to be true love!! And Hii-chan is love to me.''

Hii-chan had tears in her eyes but she smiled at the same time. I smiled back. And then we kissed. In front of Rau-chans eyes. Just all of a sudden the butterflies in my stomach got overfed by the massivity of feelings. The kiss was perfect, unutterable.  Yet it was really, really short. So then I was curious for Rau-chans reaction. She almost couldn't shut her mouth. But she didn't look super disgusted-shocked. More like joyous-shocked. It got silent for a moment. If you want to describe some minutes as a moment. Then she finally placed in position to say something. ''You just could've told me. That isn't nasty at all.'' She came and hugged both of us. ''If you love each other, then I won't disrupt you.'' ''But you won't tell anyone for first?'' I asked rather guardedly. To be honest Rau-chan is one of the few persons I'd fully trust with things like this. ''Surely'' She smiled at me and put her arm on my shoulder.'' ''But you can't keep that a secret forever:'' '' know, but when, we decide this on our own.'' Hii-chan just stared down on the floor silently. ''But as an Idol...'' ''I'm not an Idol anymore...this is just not important at all.'' I honestly like being a nurse better. ''But I am, Nene-don, I can't make this public.'' ''That's alright to me.'' ''But I would support you 100%!!'', Rau-chan interrupted our little discussion. ''It's still hard for me to get it in my head though. How long do you feel this way already?'' ''So long, that I can't even remember when it started. Eternally. But I just kept myself buried.'' Hii-chan smiled at me uncomfortably. '' I felt jsut the same way. I mean how could you just come out...on this way?'' ''That's shitty with being an Idol, yeah. Rau-chan nodded and sank her head. ''We're just humans as well, with human feelings...''

Hinata x Nene: Yume ni MukatteWhere stories live. Discover now