Chapter 5

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I ran to the forecourt of the hotel. The lights weren't as dazzling here, there were some Sakura trees at the border of the meticulously paved way to the hotel entry. Their branches were moving gently in the night wind. I took a deep breath. Now I had the chance to see her again. I opened the door to the lobby. It was completely empty. No human soul was there, even the reception desk was unoccupied. If I remembered correctly, Hii-chan was in room 237. I prowled through the well-decorated floors of the hotel and avoided the staff I could see here and there because in the end I wasn't registered. 235, 236, 237.

I closed my eyes and tried to stay confident and brave. I moved my hand towards the door and knocked. ''Psst, Hii-chan,'s me, Nene! Open!'' I lean at the door and hoped for a sign. A minute later the door opened. Wow. There she was standing, my eyes wandered from her white pyjama shorts on her red, tight top that was halfway covered with a light blue sweat jacket. Then I looked in her gaunt, dismal face. ''Nene-don, what are you doing here?'', she asked with surprise in her eyes that covered the emptiness in them shortly. ''I wanted to know what's wrong with you'' I mumbled almost incomprehensible. ''There's nothing wrong with me.'', she bickered silently with an acidulous overtone. ''But come in, you must've had a long trip and it's almost 4 am.'' I smiled at her and entered. I felt that something was going on with her but I couldn't figure out what it was.

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