Chapter 6

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Little warning before reading: DO NOT read if you're sensitive to stuff like self harm or get triggered easily. Thank you.

I sat down on her bed carefully, in hope that it'll be okay for her. ''I can see there's something wrong, you look so sad.'' Why couldn't I just shut my mouth? She looked so shirty again. But in the next moment there was a a tear rolling down her cheek. ''I cannot tell you.'' ''Sure you can! We are friends, aren't we?'' Sometimes I thought about more than this but I kept my mouth shut. I tenderly hugged her. Meanwhile, her sleeve slipped a bit upward. ''Hii-chan, what have you done!?'' I got speechless. There were three equally deep cuts on her arm. To be honest that wasn't something I knew a lot about but it looked really bad. Recently there had been someone with cuts like this at the hospital I were doing the training at. 'Suicide attempt'. Stunned my eyes switched from the cuts to her face, which got a lake full of tears in the meantime, and then back again. I didn't want to imagine how she did that. I started crying as well.

I implored to her. ''What's wrong!? I don't wanna worry about you! After all you're my Hii-chan!'' I kissed her on the cheek. Inside of me there were rumbling three different things. Number one: I missed her soft, subtle skins so much. Number two: WHY DID I DO THAT!?Number three: I hope this will help. ''Have you ever loved someone of whom you were sure that that person won't ever love you back?'' she asked while crying her eyes out. ''Yeah. I still do.'', I sighed. ''May I hear about who you love?'', I asked gingerly. That surely wasn't only for unselfish uses. She buried her face in the pillows so I couldn't see her tears anymore. I gently stroked her back to calm her down.

''How often do I have to tell you? You won't understand, maybe you will also hate me.'' ''Why should I hate you for a decision of your heart?'' I helped her getting up and looked deeply into her eyes. Then I saw all the despair that accumulated in the last time inside of them. She began to stutter and mumble. '' is...because...I love you Nene!'' I had to converge myself. Was this really happening? ''What did you just say?''. I had to check if she really meant that serious. Rapidly and almost a bit overhasty she took my face in her hands and pressed it against hers so that I could look into her big eyes. ''I love you Nene!!''

Hinata x Nene: Yume ni MukatteWhere stories live. Discover now