Chapter 26

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One week after the funeral

I sat at the desk my grandmother once did, I missed her dearly and I knew so did a lot of people in the kingdom especially mother. My mom became my second in command as she was to my grandmother, but as soon as I find a suitable person that can take her spot she will have stay in that position.

I love my mother she mean the world to me, she told me a long time ago about everything that happened between my father and her. I didn't blame her for his death, she was just trying to protect the kingdom like any other vampire Supreme would. My mom was like my best friend I can tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me, she knew I slept with different women every night but didn't say anything. She did have Alpha Alex and Camille, they were nice people and welcome me into their lives as well. I did love my other 4 siblings as well, we all got along.

Now that I was king I wanted to make Amoy of Changed but of course most of it had to be approved by the councilmen. They were all old bastard in my book and my mother agree on this matter as well. I had a lot of cleaning out to do and I think I was gonna start on the councilman first.

I heard a knock at the door "Come in?" My mother walks in "Hey honey, you need anything from me?" She smiles and I nodded "Yes please take a seat" I seat and she does at my desk. "Mother, do you love me?" "Yes of course" "you would do anything for me?" "Yes?" "I have to confess something to you" "what is it son" she said softly.

"I have been dreaming about father a lot lately, actually for a while now" she gasped but lets me continue "He told me his dream was to be king and disconnected from the weres and maybe start a war due to his father being killed by one" she nods "I remember him saying something About that yes" "well he told him he changed his mines, he told if he could go back he would just assassinate his mother because he hated her so much" she widen her eyes "Sin? Your scathing me." She said worried "Well what I'm trying to say is that I made his dream come true" she stands and the chair she sat on falls "What???? You kill Brida?" She said tearing up. "Yes mother I did. I was the one that poison her. I had a witch help me and so that witch of course is dead and I got rid of all the evidence" I said standing up and coming around my desk.

"Sin why?" "Because I wanted to do something for my father. And that's what his wish was for his mother to die and me become king" I smiled showing my fangs. My mother was speechless and was starting at me with widen eyes. "At first I didn't want to but in the end I changed my mind when she said at my coronation that she wanted to wait till my training was done. I realize then she was gonna do the same thing she did with my father and I didn't want to go through that so I got rid of her" I said with confidence. My mother looked scared of me and she slowly was backing away but I grabbed her arms "I love you mamma. I wouldn't ever hurt you. I just wanted to tell someone who wouldn't judge me. Who would still stick beside me even though I have my flaws" I said crying a bit.

She was crying to and she held me and wipe my tears and kissed my forehead "I'll always support you baby. I will keep this a secret for you. And I love you to Sin" she said holding me. I nodded and smiles "thank you mother".  My mother soon left and I was left alone in my office again sitting at my desk smoking. I knew my mother would keep my secret and I knew it would hurt her but as her child she would protect me just like father said.

The End

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