I closed my eyes and focused on finding Mitch. It took a while, because i had no idea where i was, but then i found them walking through a mushroom biome. I quickly teleported.

Mitch!! He was traveling with Jerome amd Seto, and they were currently resting under the shade of a giant mushroom. A few mooshrooms mooed nearby.

Mitch! I said in his mind. He had been dozing off, but then he snapped awake and glanced around. He got to his feet.

"Mitch? Whats wrong?" Seto said worriedly.

"I just heard Ty's voice..." Mitch shook his head but he didnt sit down. "I must be hallucinating."

No, Mitch! Im in the spirit world! I yelled in his mind. Skybrine locked me in a mansion high up in the sky, like so high up my coorindates were broken!

"Shes in the sky, in Skybrine's mansion!" Mitch told his traveling companions everything.

"Can she tell us where Layla is too?" Seto asked.

Oh geez i never thought of that. Be right back, i said in Mitch's head and i teleported away, and i found myself outside a huge building on what seemed to be a floating island. There were other spirits here, and some floating clouds.

I instantly knew it was the Aether, and i looked at the building. I could see shadows moving, and for a second there i thought i could see a reddish glow. I quickly teleported back to Mitch's place in the mooshroom biome.

Shes in the Aether i said to Mitch. Go find her first. Mitch nodded grimly.

I felt my energy slipping away. Good luck, Mitch! I yelled in his head and my vision went black.

~Layla's POV~

"Sir," Deadlox got to his feet and bowed, and Jeb was leaning on the wall, panting.

I closed the doors with a flick of my wrist and fixed the redstone circuit behind the wall. I had blown it up a bit when i used too much force to open the iron doors.

"im not called Evans," i said to the Creator. "Im Layla."

Notch chuckled. "I know full well who you are. Now what brings you here? Is it my brother?"

I tilted my head to a side. "If you mean hybrids, then yeah, theres a problem."

Notch smirked. "I thought this hybrid stuff would end when i banished herobrine to the nether." he sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead.

"He said he was a good guy now and he wants to help," I said, remembering what Herobrine had said in their last encounter.

Notch shook his head and looked out of the windoe again. "Dont let his lies fool you, Layla. He is a master of deception. Did you not think i wouldve known about his project on the hybrids when he was working on them? He fooled me."

I nodded slowly. "But Ty... Shes in Skybrine's hands now. Can you do something to reach her?"

Notch turned to face me again and i saw sadness in his eyes. "When Herobrine made the hybrids he was blinded by anger. He granted them powers so that we cannot tell them what to do. Even i do not know where Skybrine is."

I looked to the ground. I missed Ty.

"But there might be something that will help," Notch said. I looked up again, my heart filling with hope. "it will be dangerous, and most likely you will get yourself killed."

"Anything to bring Ty back to Mitch," I insisted.

Notch smiled. "Personal loyalty. Thats your greatest aspect, Layla. Do not let it blind you through important decisions though."

I nodded, a bit impatient. Ty could be dying. Notch continued. "You must find a way to turn the tables, and get Enderlox on your side for good. Only hybrids that are friendly to each other have access to each other's locations."

"But wont Enderlo be Skybrine's enemy once hes turned to our side?" I asked, confused.

Notch winked at me. "Yeah, but Skybrine doesnt know that, does he? To him, Enderlox is still his friend."

I nodded, a smile appearing on my face. I mustve been standing there, lost in my own thought, because something suddenly touched my arm and i yelped and punched it hard.

"OW," Deadlox winced, rubbing his arm.

"Sorry," i rolled my eyes. "Well, bye Notch! Thanks for everything!" We exited the building.

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