Chapter 15

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~Layla's POV~

I woke up again, but this time the sunlight was streaming through the window and Mitch was blinking and getting up.

"Morning," he said, smiling at me. "We've got Deadlox down in the basement."

I smirked and nodded. "I know. Ty and I went down to talk to him at around three in the morning."

Mitch's eyes widened. "You never told us?"

"Of course not," I scoffed, hopping off the bed. "By the way, we found out how we got our manipulation powers."

Mitch got up from the floor, stretching his arms. "You better tell us at the table."

We went downstairs and found Ian there, with a cat on the table. "I found a friend," he explained, giving the cat some fish.

Jerome and Ty came down a few minutes later, and we sat down to talk about what had happened last night.

After I had finished, Ty butted in. "She downplayed the whole thing," she said, glaring playfully at me. "She threatened Deadlox by pushing the buttons on the control panel. You should have seen his face, it was so funny."

"So, in other words," Mitch said, finishing his breakfast. "Layla was awesome. And you guys do know that the button isn't on the control panel?"

Ty nodded. I smiled and gave a tiny nod in her direction. She beamed back and tapped something on the floor. No problem.

"Lets go and check on him," Ian said, getting his cat off the table and getting all the bowls to put them in the sink.

"He'll need food," Ty said, putting on a jacket. She was wearing an actual shirt for once, instead of a hoodie.

I still had my hair in green. Maybe I'll change it later. Or maybe now. "Wait a minute, i have to do something." I ran upstairs to Mitch's bathroom and locked the door.

Lets see. Im wearing a black shirt with dark rainbow spirals. Theres my next coloring. I dyed my hair all black, which was actually my natural hair color, and dyed the tips of my hair in rainbow color, mixed with a bit of black, so it matched with my shirt completely. I was also in black pants and shoes. So far this is my favorite outfit.

I went back downstairs, grabbing a white jacket with black stripes around the belly from the bed as I did so. White and black go together perfectly.

Ian's eyes widened when i came back downstairs. "Cool."

I frowned. "Is there something wrong, Layla?" Jerome asked.

I pulled out my sword and everyone took a few steps back. I activated it and looked at my shirt. "My outfit right now doesnt match my sword. Should i change?"

"Stop making everything match," Ty said, pulling on my arm. We went outside and down the pothole, to the lab. It was much lighter now that it was day, and Deadlox had found a position so he could lie on the floor.

Deadlox was awake, and he sat up when we entered the room. Ian placed a plate of carrots, potatoes, beef adn chicken next to him. He started eating hungrily.

"Oh gosh now I want to eat those potatoes," Ty whispered in my ear and I coughed, trying to hide my laughter. I sat down on the floor across from Deadlox, and Ty sat on my right, just like when we were visiting him at night. Ian, Mitch and Jerome continued to stand.

Awkward silence... Well it wasn't technically silence since Deadlox was still munching on the food. I noticed that he kept some of it on the plate, which he slid closer to himself. Rations. He's rationing his food. It's not like we're going to starve him.

Take Me With You (Deadlox/Enderlox Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum