Chapter 36

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~Seto's POV~

I woke up and felt weird. This wasnt my room. And i had a really bad headache.

But then i remembered last night, how Deadlox and I were messing around and getting drunk.

I didnt remember much after that, just that i had flopped onto my bed. Ah i hoped nothing bad happened.

I went to the bathroom. I came out soon after and made the bed. There were two other beds unmade and i made them too. Might as well be helpful.

My headache wasnt getting better so i climbed up the ladders to the first floor of the cave.

Layla was making pork chops and beef, and Deadlox was slumped at the table. That didnt seem like a bad idea.

"oh good morning!" Layla saw me and smiled. "At least you're in a better condition than him." she waved a steak at Deadlox's direction. "i had to haul him up the ladders."

I laughed at that, but it hurt, so i quickly stopped and staggered over to the chair beside Deadlox. "H-how much did we drink last night?"

Layla stopped cooking for a bit to think. "Well lets see, there were those five cans of beer and two bottles of vodka and a few shots of tequila."

I groaned. "How did we even get those in Minecraft?"

"Well this is Drugcraft," Layla shrugged and brought a plate of food over to the table. The smell made me sick. "plus it wasnt that hard to make the alcohol, since you both were pressuring me."

It was a rhetorical question. Layla wasnt supposed to answer that. "We didnt pressure you," i moaned and grabbed a bottle of water and a round pill labeled "Hangover medicine" beside it and gulepd it down.

"Well yeah you did," layla winced. "You used magic and held me against the wall while deadlox tickled me. I think you guys were a bit high on cocaine that time."

I said nothing but grabbed a steak and munched on it. The memories were starting to come back.

Deadlox shifted a bit and blinked open his eyes. "Whattimeisit?" he slurred. Layla popped a pill into his mouth and dumped a bucket of water on his head.

"Why would that work?" i asked her when Deadlox woke up a bit.

"Well it works with Mitch and Jerome so why not all hybrids?" Layla laughed. When i asked why she didnt dump a bucket of water on me, she replied, "Well sorcerers arent hybrids."

But we are. We are. Technically we're witch hybrids. But sorcerers sound better than "witch hybrids". I didnt point that out to Layla.

"im feeling a bit better now thanks Layla," Deadlox instantly sat up when she dumped another bucket of water on his head.

Layla laughed and Deadlox laughed and I laughed too and watched when Deadlox pulled layla in for a kiss. I smiled. This was true love right here.

~Timeskip because, really, I am just too lazy~

~Deadlox's POV~

Seto has moved from our cave a few weeks ago. I still miss him, but he sends regular post cards via magic.

Ty has also been reaching to us using her telepathy. Apparently she said that she didn't want to go back to the real world, now that she and Mitch were permanently together.

I still haven't gotten an answer from Layla about going to the End together. And there's only a week left until the deadline. The closer it gets, the more focused my memories are.


"Go out and have some fun," the Ender Dragon - my dad - said as he opened up the portal. I got ready and smiled.

"I'll be back in fifteen year's time, don't worry," I promised. The Ender Dragon chuckled and gently nudged me through the portal.

"Remember to find your pair out there," he reminded me. "Or else you're going to have to spend all eternity as an Ender Dragon, and I will lose my immortality and you will be in my place, getting slain over and over again, until Fate comes and decides you have had enough and will bestow an heir to you. But that will not happen in ten thousand year, so whatever you do BRING BACK YOUR PARTNER!"

Flashback ends.

I didn't want to get stuck in the End for all eternity. Fate is there waiting. Father told me so.

So I decided to pop the question today when we were snuggling in bed.

"Layla?" I murmured in her ear.

"Hmm?" she said, lifting her head and cracking open an eye sleepily.

"Will you still go to the End with me?"

She was silent for a few minutes, and to me that seemed like eternity. She didn't reply and I thought she had fallen asleep.

"Can I still contact Ty if I go? She has a link to my mom..."

So she's still worried about her family, which was sweet. But it was also an obstacle to me, and achieving a balance between both of them is difficult. "Well, the Ender Dragon is the second in-command to Minecraft..." I told Layla. It was true, because, well, he told me so. And Herobrine sometimes checked in to see if everything was alright, when he thought I wasn't aware.

"He can bend the rules for me, right?" she asked drowsily.

I kissed her forehead. "Yes, he will." Technically I didn't know if that was true, but then again I didn't want Father to die, and I didn't want to spend eternity waiting for an heir the Fates will grant me. I didn't want to spend a day apart from Layla.

I hugged her and closed my eyes.

"I'll get to see you soon, Enderlox," Father said in my dreams. I smiled and ran up to him, changing into my full dragon form as I went. I didn't tell anyone about this, but I can change into my full dragon form while I'm in the End.

"I missed you, Father," I told the Ender Dragon. "And please, just call me Deadlox. Enderlox sounds weird."

"I can't wait to meet the partner you met," the Ender Dragon smiled and smoothed down some of my scales, which had stuck up in clumps after I'd neglected them for so long. "I have a feeling she's going to be fully-human with extraordinary abilities, am I right?"

"You know everything, Father," I smile and start to groom myself, wanting to look presentable when Layla sees me as a Dragon.

"Only seven days left, only seven days left," Father smiled and flew off into the sky.

"Wake up, wake up," I heard someone murmur.

"Euuugh, what?" I blinked open my eyes and stretched. It was Layla. "What? Why did you wake me? You don't usually wake me."

"You were mumbling in your sleep," Layla frowned, clearly worried. "You don't usually mumble in your sleep, especially this loudly."

I blushed. "Did I realy mumble loudly? Did you hear?" Thankfully Layla shook her head.

"So are you coming with me?"

Layla smiled a bit. "Alright. Take me with you into the world of Enders."

Nearing the end of the book! Thanks for all the support guys :D luv ya all

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