Chapter 39

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~Layla's POV~

Soon the stars were blotted out by something. Something dark and glowing faintly of... Purple? Obsidian, i think it's obsidian. We landed on a ledge in front of an obsidian door.

It was like a Nether fortress, only much much larger and more like a mansion. Deadlox tapped on the door and it slid open.

"Why is it made out of obsidian? Why not bedrock?" I asked, following him inside and seeing all sorts of hostile mobs.

"Because there are rare cases where mortals and gamers accidentally land here instead of the platform, but its only happened once or twice. And everytime that happens, the gamers try to grab the coordinates so they can investigate with their friends."

I looked at him strangely. Coordinates? Werent we off the charts by now?

"We're still in the void, but we're not at the bottom," Deadlox elaborated. "only the bottom kills you. It kills everything. For immortals it just causes great pain. Anyway, thats why its made of obsidian. For convenience of moving. Sure, we can move bedrock too but the Endermen cant. You cant have bedrock chests either."

"Uhhh okay," I said, a bit confused.

Deadlox smiled. "Dont worry, you'll learn it all soon enough."

To my surprise the farther in we walked, the more decoration the place had. The rooms i peeked into had carpets and paintings and beds and such, and one of the rooms i peeked into had a window overlooking some sort of Ender garden.

An Enderman teleported in front of Deadlox and we stopped in our tracks. It said something in its language to Deadlox

"Okay so he's in his office right now, but he knows we're here," Deadlox said as he picked up the pace. I'm assuming he's talking about his father.

"So when will we meet him?" I asked, and then was distracted by the zombie pigmen milling around in clusters in a few rooms. "What are they doing?"

Deadlox glanced at where i was looking at and smiled. "They're helping Father. I dont know what he's doing but its usually something that Notch ordered him to investigate or maybe a new update."

"Your dad is pretty cool," I said, continuing to peek at the windows and doors. We had walked so deep into the mansion that the walls no longer seemed to made of obsidian - instead it looked like a regular mansion, with paintings and carpets and potted plants. "This mansion is pretty cool. You must've led a great life."

"Not really," Deadlox shrugged but he continued to smile and then we reached an iron door with a lever on the side of it. "I was mostly lonely since the other hybrids couldn't visit all the time, but I had Ty to keep me company. Mostly. Okay so here we are," he gestured to the iron door. "Father is really nice so don't be afraid." He flicked the lever and motioned for me to go inside first.

What I saw kind of surprised me. I had envisioned a huge life-sized Ender Dragon, oh I don't know, sitting in a chair? Hunched over a work-table? Going through paperwork with his claws and his tail flicking side to side like how Deadlox somtimes does?

"Hello Father," Deadlox said, closing the door behind him. The figure at the chair behind the desk looked up a smiled. The figure looked a lot like Deadlox, only with black hair with purple highlights, purple eyes and, well, he's taller. His clothes were all black, and I liked his boots.

"Are you the Ender Dragon?" I blurted out, then quickly slapped a hand over my mouth. "Sorry," I said, bowing 90 degrees unthinkingly. It was something Nerina and Avani and I did as a joke back when we were still... together.

The man chuckled. "Yes, yes I am. But I didn't want to alarm you so I assumed my human form. Now, Enderlox, would you mind introducing her to me? I don't believe we've met yet."

"This is Layla," Deadlox - or Enderlox? - introduced. "Layla, this is the Ender Dragon, my Father."

"Hello Ender Dragon," I shook his human hand and it seemed... weird somehow.

Deadlox's father chuckled. "Just call me Ender. Ender Dragon is quite a mouthful, isn't it? Now, Enderlox, can you find Layla a room? I don't mind if you share a room. I'll send a few Endermen to tend to your needs later."

Deadlox nodded and took my hand, leading me out of the room. As soon as we were out of earshot of Ender, I asked, "So do you go by the name Deadlox or Enderlox?"

Deadlox kept on walking. "Well, my given name was Enderlox, but then I had to change it once I was in the overworld, because, well, at that stage my eyes were glowish purple and green and it would be really obvious to anyone that I was a hybrid if I had Ender in my name. So I changed it to the next best thing."

He could've worn sunglasses, but I guess those weren't really his type. "Do you prefer me calling you Deadlox or Enderlox, then?"

"You can call me whatever, I don't mind," Deadlox smiled and stopped at an iron door. He flicked the lever and tugged me in. "Do you want to share a room? I can remove the walls so we can have connecting rooms instead."

"I think connecting rooms will be better at this stage, and I think I have to get used to all of this," I laughed, gesturing to all around me. "So is this your room?" I glanced around. It was roughly the size of my bedroom back at home. There was a bed, a closet, and a door, which I assumed led to the bathroom. There were multiple paintings on the walls and the floor was made of purple and green carpets and there were potted plants on the windowsill. The view outside was of the strange garden.

"Yeah, it's my room." Deadlox walked towards the closet and opened it, and it was only half-full. There were different shirts inside, unlike the same ones Deadlox wore every single day. He sighed happily. "I missed these shirts. They were custom made so my wings would fit perfectly. Back in the overworld you can't find custom-made shirts that much so I just made some myself, and it would always make my wings itch or something." He pulled out a neon green shirt with and dumped the one he was currently wearing and pulled this one over his head.

I looked outside to the garden while he was changing. It was like a normal farm or garden in the overworld but there were Endermen tending to the plants, and it was all the same except that the "sunlight" they were using were actually the glow of redstone lamps. I stood on my toes to see if there was anything beyond the fences surrounding the garden. Nothing. Just the void.

"That's the Ender Garden, we mostly have our food from there." Deadlox said behind me, appearing suddenly. I whipped around and almost fell.

"You scared me!" I pouted, regaining my balance quickly and smiled. "So... you don't eat meat?"

"We do, but since all mobs have family and friends we don't eat it that much, only those with a death wish or maybe those who've recently died."

I nodded slowly, the smile still on my face. "Can you take me on a tour around the house, then?"

Deadlox smiled. "Sure," he said, taking my hand and leading me out of his room. He held me close and then we were standing in the corridor, me tilting my head up to look into his eyes and him leaning closer. It was a long, deep kiss that I didn't want to end, but then there was a large mansion to explore.

"C'mon, let's get going," I laughed and broke away, tugging him along. "I want to see the Ender Garden first~"

And yeah that's basically the end of the story :D 39 chapters :D
Thanks for all le support~ Make sure to check out my other books~~

Take Me With You (Deadlox/Enderlox Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें