Chapter 5

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~Layla's POV~

~In Minecraft~

"Yes, I am Enderlox," the boy replied. I kicked away my iron sword and got a stick instead. A shadow detached itself from the boy and disappeared. I decided to ignore it.

"You're real?" I poked his chest with my stick. He was trapped in a net, from my trap.

The boy snorted. "Im here, arent I? Now let me out."

"So you're really Deadlox?" I asked again, throwing away the stick and getting my sword again. The boy nodded. I stuck ny sword between the holes in the net and sliced through the net. The shadow appeared again, but it disappeared again, so i continued to ignore it. I sliced through the net again.

Instantly, Enderlox pounced and had me pinned to the floor.

~In real life~

Wait what was happening? Why wasnt Ender_Slayer responding to my commands? I hit the left-click furiously. No?

I knew the game didnt crash. I could see Enderlox moving, the torches flickering, the chat still going.

Wait a minute. I glanced around my bedroom. It was all normal. I clicked on the mouse again, but i couldnt feel it anymore. I stared at my hand.

I was losing my grip on reality. Literally. I looked back at the screen. Enderlox was staring straight back at me, his purple eyes glowing in the Minecraft moonlight. I could feel myself getting sucked in...

"What are you doing?" I shrieked. I couldnt hear myself, but i could see my words popping up in the chat screen in my computer.

~In Minecraft~

Suddenly there was pain. A lot of it. And it seemed like my eyes were closed. I opened them and saw that it was snowing. And that i was looking up at a round face with brown hair and glowing purple eyes.

"GAAAAAH," i shrieked. Enderlox didnt even flinch. I glanced sideways. He was digging his claws into my arms and that was the cause of the pain.

"Ouch?" I said in his face. He didnt respond, just looked at me curiously with those unsettling purple eyes of his.

"You're... Um, hurting me," I squeaked. Enderlox only dug in his claws deeper. I could see my ten hearts slowly draining away, half a heart at a time.

"I havent had human meat in a long time," Enderlox whispered in my ear. I shivered. Please tell me he was joking. I felt something wet touch my face. I then realized it was his tongue. Alright, i confess i do lick (and bite) people to get them away from me, and i am generally immune to licking, but this was both weird and gross.

I wriggled. "Get off me!" i wonder if ender dragon hybrids have private parts. I decided to take the chance and i thrust my knee up as hard as i could. Luckily, i found my target and Enderlox howled, rolling off me and curling up into a ball. I quickly got up. No time to wonder how i ended up getting stuck inside Minecraft, i grabbed my chest and lugged it away at a really fast pace before Enderlox could recover.

I guess i had found Deadlox. Only he was also Enderlox. That was kind of a bonus... I loved Enderlox. Just not when he's trying to kill me.

I heard a low growl behind me and turned around, expecting him to be behind me. Luckily it was just a zombie, but i shouldnt have looked behind me, because the next thing i knew i was face-down on the floor with something heavy on my back.

"Prey that can fight back," I heard Enderlox chuckle in my ear. It was an eerie feeling, having someone whisper in your ear. Its also a bit ticklish. "I havent had a good hunt in years. You do know people tend to avoid these forests. Because its haunted. By me."

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