Chapter 11: Back So Soon, Kid?

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Loki's PoV:
As we neared the last known sighting of the criminal,a familiar scent entered my nose.Kid? You've got to be kidding me.I barked before following the smell.Jesse followed behind me.The scent got strong.I glanced around before sniffing the air after seeing a small shaking figure in the arms of a hooded person.Kid! I barked until Jesse followed my gaze towards the two.They were walking towards Hoppo's (the boss) office but luckily, they were walking up a ramp.Jesse unclipped my lead after saying,"Fass." I growled before I flung myself towards them.My mitts hit the ground then in a millisecond left again.I bared my canines in a snarl as my muscles rippled when I did a long stride.I sprinted up the ramp.I began to gain on them.The person glanced behind and saw me and bolted.I snarled loudly.

I'm coming Kid! I ran faster and faster with each stride as I neared them.The person then halted as they knew they wouldn't out run me but I kept running.I saw Angel's head poke up as her ears perked in surprise.Her tail began to wag."Bleib!" I heard Jesse shout.I immediately halted in front of the man.I snarled,barked and snapped at him.Seconds later, Jesse reappeared with with a puzzled looking Hoppo by his side."Sitz," Jesse said.I sat down,barking.The thief looked scared."Is that your dog?" Jesse questioned.
"My mate's dog," the man said.
"What's your friend's name?"
"Uh," The man hesitated, "Joe."
"What's the dog's name?" Hoppo then asked.
"Um, Missy," The man finally said.Angel tried to clamber out of his arms."Nah,She's Angel," Jesse replied with a serious tone, "We're going to the tower, c'mon," he said before snatching Angel out of the man's grasp and placing her on the ground.Then we all walked towards the tower.

"A lifeguard dog,huh?" Angel spoke up.
"It's fun," I chirped, "How's The human?"
"Oh, she's great! Except when she left me on the beach to go for a swim."
"You're lucky I saw you then," I smiled,jokingly.Angel smiled before chuckling and playfully shoving my shoulder.We walked side by side.When we reached the tower and climbed the steps, another scent was shoved up my nose.

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