Chapter 8: Do I Know You?

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Loki's PoV:
As Jesse and Mouse introduces me to the others that were on the shift,I heard a voice crackle through the small black box.Did it just speak? I growled silently before I heard Jesse mutter, "Ruhig," to which I became silent."Go ahead," I heard Jesse reply into the box."Uh, we have a suspected bag thief.We have eyes on him right now at the north.He's currently stealing another bag," the voice crackled again."How about you let Loki help?" I recognised Harries voice straight away.As soon as Jesse held down the 'speak' button on the box,I barked like a happy German shepherd.I heard a few chuckles in reply."Will do," Jesse replied.He tugged at the lead,signalling me to follow him so I did.I had a little pep in my step as I trotted next to Jesse.

We arrived at the location of the suspected bag thief.He had apparently been reported many times to the lifeguards today.As we neared, he was picking up a bag."Is that your bag?" Jesse asked casually.The man looked at him before bolting.I began to get excited."sanft beißen," Jesse whispered as he bent down to unclip my lead.Bite gently,I translated in my head."Fass," he finally commanded as he fully unclipped the lead from my collar.I began to sprint.My paws kicking up sand as I ran.I weaved between the people like they were the weave poles.I thought back to the elk hunt as I picked up speed in a straight stretch along the beach.I was gaining on him.I began to growl as I saw the man glance behind him,panic written all over his face.sanft beißen,bite gently,I repeated over and over in my head before I lunged at the man with half of my strength.I snarled as my paws left the ground.My muscles rippled under my brown fur as I flew up in the air.I stretched out my neck as I clamped down on the man's arm as softly as I could.I spun in a circle once I latched on and I flung the man to the ground,face first.I growled as my mitts landed on the sand again.I shook my head,viciously, as to sink my teeth deeper into the arm.sanft beißen, I repeated once again in my mind.I stopped shaking my head but I began to tug gently.

I heard an engine in the distance but it was getting closer.I could hear the man shout help like he was getting kidnapped.I rolled my eyes internally.The man kept screaming and trying to pry me off.He tried to bribe me with a small piece of seaweed that presumably washed up on the beach from the sea.I growled louder as I kept my jaw wrapped around the man's limb.The engine got nearer and nearer before it halted next to us.Finally! Took them long enough,sheesh.A lifeguard who I didn't know,Jesse and Mouse hopped out of the Rhino.

Jesse's PoV:
I unclipped the lead after saying the command.I watched as Loki raced off,following the man.I glanced up at the tower to see most of the lifeguards following the wolf.I shook my head and chuckled to myself before a Rhino pulled up beside me with Mouse and Glick in it.I jumped into the back then the Rhino was off again.We followed Loki's trail before we reached the man and him.Loki was keeping the man down.I hopped off the same time Glick and Mouse did.I walked over to Loki before clipping the lead back on and slapping the wolf softly on the side of his torso.I said another command.Loki immediately let go and backed up in between my legs.

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