Academy City Fate Part Three!

Start from the beginning

"Hello there." Said Mikoto.

"What the...?" Was all Esper Killer said before the two Misaka siblings jumped attacked at Esper Killer.

The surprise attack has made Esper Killer get launched into the air with the two Misaka siblings still on him. He keeps trying to shake them off.

"Just who the hell do you two think you are?" asked a angry Esper Killer.

"We are the Misaka siblings you monster." Said Alan.

"And you are getting the karma you deserve." Said Mikoto.

"Not likely." Said Esper Killer as he spins around and it finally shakes of the two Misaka siblings.

The two Misaka siblings were sent off of Esper Killer and crashed into the ground. They slowly got back up to see Esper Killer slowly hovering back to the ground.

"Why? Why would you risk your life for this thing?" asked Esper Killer as he points at the knocked out Sonic.

"Its not that hard to understand." Said Mikoto.

"See? See right there? That is why I have a hard time understanding you Espers. Especially you Railgun. You are a Level 5 Esper and yet you treat others like they are your friends and never once look down at them." Said Esper Killer.

"She doesn't let her power go to her head. Unlike you who let their anger and rage control their life." Said Alan.

"That anger and rage I have as got me to where I am today. And no one else has the motivation to wipe this city off the world! Now where we? Oh yeah.... you two are about to die." Said Esper Killer as he points his arm at them and a hiding rocket launder pop out of his metal suit arm.

Suddenly, a small metal pin appeared in the rocket launcher, causing it to exploded but not damage the person controlling the suit.

"Get away from them." Said a female voice that appeared right next to the Misaka siblings. It was Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu.

"Yeah! Leave them alone you bully." Said Uiharu.

"You say that this all for the sake for the world but you are acting nothing more but a adult having a temper tantrum!" Said Saten.

"Silence! If you just understand the pain I have, you would why me and the others want this city gone!" Said Esper Killer.

"Alan...." Said Mikoto as she looks at the still knocked out Sonic. Alan had a look of sadness to see Sonic like that.

"Don't mean to be rude but you all might as well get to say your farewells soon. You will join him in the after life." Said Esper Killer.

Alan continues to look at the state Sonic is in. "That hedgehog is nothing but a silly little alien. He didn't belong here! He didn't belong to get involves with matters that have no business with him!" Said Esper Killer.

"That 'silly little alien' knows more about being human than you will ever be." Said Alan as he turns his attention back to Esper Killer. Esper Killer was not happy by that statement.

"His name is Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog. And he is more than that. He is my best friend." Said Alan.

"And he is our friend as well." Said Mikoto, Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu as they see Sonic as their friend as well.

Suddenly, Sonic eyes opened up and his pupils were glowing blue.

Suddenly, Sonic eyes opened up and his pupils were glowing blue

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