'Yes,she's at it again.' Wonyoung confirmed what Chaewon said.

Meanwhile,Yuri still can't process the situation,why Wonyoung and Chaewon are talking like that.

'What's happening here?? Chaewon-unnie????' Yuri said while still trying to process the situation.

'I'll explain it to you later.Wonyoung where is she?' Chaewon said.

'But,unnie,,I'm afraid shhe'll do that to you again..And Yuri-unnie is here.'

'You two,,what are you saying? I'm confused.' Yuri said.

'Let's go,Yul...You'll know it later.' Chaewon said as she grabbed Yuri's hand and followed Wonyoung to Mrs.Jo's room.

When they went in,Yuri was surprised to see her mothr in a difficult situation.

'What's happening to her?' Yuri asked.

'This is what we're talking about earlier.' Chaewon answered.

Mrs.Jo approached Chaewon (whom she called as 'Yuri')

Yuri was hurt,not only because her mom thought of Chaewon as her daughter instead of her,but also because of the situations her mom is going though.

After that,Wonyoung and Chaewon talked about all what happened.


'Then,tell me what really happened? What happened to her?'


'Unnie,please tell me...'

'Okay,okay...Wonyoung,you should tell her.'

'Okay,unnie.Mom went crazy after you dissappeared,Yuri-unnie.'

'What? After I dissapeared? You mean she's been like for 3 years now?'

'Yes,unnie.She would often confuse Chaewon-unnie as you.Like what you've seen earlier.'

'Really? So it's because of me...'

'Yul,it's not because of you..don't blame yourself..'

'You two haven't answer my questions yet.Heeji unnie,no,are you really my older sister? What happened?'

'She's really Yul,Wonyoung.She didn't dissappeared,she was kidnapped.'

'She was kidnapped? Is that true?'

'Yes,it's true.She lost her memories back then so she can't remember us.'


'Yes..By the way,I have to go now.Yena night be waiting for me.Yuri will explain it to you instead.She'll be living here starting today.I'll leave now.Yul,see you tomorrow.'

Chaewon said as she bid goodbye to the sisters.

After Chaewon left,Yuri and Wonyoung feel an awkwardness between them.

'So..' Yuri and Wonyoung said in unison resulting to them smile at each other.


'You go first.'

'No,you go first,unnie.'

'Wonyoung,I'm sorry for not recognizing you back then.All of you,,sufferred because of me...'

'No,unnie..It's okay..You don't have to apologize.I understand...'

The next day,,,

Yuri and Wonyoung doesn't have a trouble living together...


There's something different...

The sisters don't bicker with each other anymore unlike 3 years ago where there's no time who pass without them bickering.

Yuri would often be the one who'll start it,but it seems like Yuri don't do it anymore..She really have change during those passed 3 years.

Outside their house,Chaewon was waiting for Yuri.

'Oh,you're here.Let's go!!' Chaewon said as she grabbed Yuri with her.

'Unnie,why did you come all the way here?' Yuri asked her.

'Did you forget already? I used to do this before.' Chaewon answered.

'I remember but you're house is too far from here unlike 3 years ago.' Yuri confronted Chaewon.

'Stop asking questions and let's go now.We're already late..' Chaewon said.

While they're on the way to school,Chaewon asked something to Yuri.

'Aren't you going to tell Wonyoung about Minju?'

'No,unnie.Not yet.'

'You sure about that?'

'Yes,unnie.Soon,I'll tell her soon,but for now,plase don't tell her yet.Also unnie,please don't mention Minju's name infront of me.'

'You...Why are you suddenly like this? Why don't you want to hear your sister's name?'

'Just...Just because...'

Yuri left without explaining to Chaewon why she don't want to hear Minju's name infront her.

Chaewon understands Yuri.

She knew the younger is still suffering because of her sister's death.

And she's regretting that she didn't tell Yuri about this sooner.

'If I had told her sooner,will she still be like this? This is your fault too,Minju.You didn't keep my promise to me that you'll be the one who'll tell her.Just be thankful thst I kept my promises with you to protect your sister.' Chaewon said to herself.



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