Chapter - 3 ( Parent's visit )

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           ,“oh! Okay” currently I am talking to my mom after along time . She planned to visit me today as we haven't seen each other for a long time .
             It exciting but knowing her she would probably complained about how I manage the house mom could even found a problem with the bonsai that I kept as decoration saying it was inaupicious . Okay not gonna complain but it was too much dad won't come as his friends is in a hospital and had to visit .
               Honestly I don't want them to visit me cause deep down inside I know she gonna detected theirs something wrong here , ,“Dear do you want me to bring your favourite custard pie???” I nod my head several times but remembering she won't see me I reply in ,“ Geeze mom does you even have to ask that ??” I said with a light chuckle ,“ Also bring my favourite chocolate cookies , okay??” I asked as I was craving for chocolate and something sour this past few days . ,“Okay dear , bye for now as I had to prepare those thing for you I'll bring them for you okay??” she was about to hang up when I say ,“oh mom bring dozen of chocolate cookies okay??”I really want lot of them ,“okay don't eat too much you will get fat”she teased and finally hang up .

****Fast forward to noon****

       I heard a ding on the door as I was arranging a flower vase I quickly rush to the door and open it .
        ,“Yay, mom ” I said as I hug her and she hug me back I look at her ,her beautiful oceanic blue eyes are looking at me directly she wore a simple dress, I love the smell of cherry blossom on her. I really miss her .
         ,“Okay are you just going to stand there or help me with my stuff ??” she asked in a teasing tone . I quickly help her with my pie that she was holding on her hand and quickly rushed to the dinning table and keep it, I quickly went to get a knife to cut it and went back ,“ This girl she didn't even greet me properly yet she rushed to eat a pie who do you love more me or pie??” she say those words with sarcasm dripping over them  , and place her hand on her heart as if she was hurt ,“ Mom do you even had to asked of course it's the pie” I say as I open the package she sit on the stool besides me as I cut a big piece of pie and was about to put it in my mouth as I feel like eating it it smell make me wanna puke . I quickly rush to the sink and vomit there .
              Mom quickly rushed to my side and caress my back  , I looked up to find her with a sparkle which I didn't saw before . She passed me a tissue as I wipe my mouth ,“What” I asked as her continuous stare was really hard to ignored .
            ,“Are you pregnant??,” her questions was so sudden that it make me choke on the cookies that I was munching, I really can't eat that pie and asked mom to keep it far away . She quickly passed me water and I looked at her dumbfounded . “ I don't know I never think of that”. I say as it never came to me the questions that am I pregnant??.

             ,“I'll do the test as soon as possible okay ??” I asked as she nodded her head I could tell she was very happy . And the rest of the day went by quickly as we talked about different things and mom finally went home when it was 3 p.m . Luckily the topic Ace never came up and I was happy about that , I know she detected something wrong since the beginning and am quite happy that she didn't point out . And now the real question is am I pregnant???.

Author's P.O.V

       What will Savanna do if she really is pregnant??? Comments down below 👇👇

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