Chapter 16

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Wanda, Piet, and Peter rush to me while the rest of the group goes off on Sam. They catch the elevator before it closes and get in. Wanda tells Friday to go to our rooms. She takes us. Peter and Piet try to comfort me but I'm just not in the mood. I walk to my room while my siblings follow. Once I get in I sit on the bed. I begin to get a bit dizzy. My head is pounding. My eyes hurt and my sibling won't shut up. My hands hurt, I'm tired, and I just want it all to stop.
"Shut up!" I snap.
They look at me concerned.
"Please." I say in a hushed tone.
They all become quiet. Pietro sits at my desk, Wanda sits on the bed next to me and Peter sits on the floor under my TV. I lay back and just breathe.
"Will...will someone please get..get me some pain med...medicine?" I whisper.
Pietro grabs the bag he had this morning and pulls out four pills.
"This should help with your head and hands." He says handing me two of the pills. "And these should help with the headache."
"th...thank you." I say.
I grab my water from the nightstand and take the pills. About 30 seconds later Mama and Papa knock on my door and come in.
"We-" Mama begins.
"Shh. Her head is killing her." Wanda whispers.
"Oh I'm sorry." She whispers. "We handled Sam. We are so sorry was like that to you. There was no need."
"It's okay. I just really wasn't in the mood to deal with him." I tell her quietly, my eyes closed trying to make my headache go away.
"Do you want some medicine? We can go get Bruce." Papa whispers.
"I already gave her some pain meds." Pietro says. "It should kick in any minute."
"You should probably come up and eat. It would be good for you to get something on your stomach." Mama whispers to me.
I nod slightly but wince at the pain in my head. Wanda helps me stand up and the pain in my head gets to be to much. I get super dizzy. I just ignore it as we make our way back up. Once we get back up their everyone begins to apologize for Sam's behavior and say they are sorry for how they reacted. I honestly don't care but I just let them do their thing. Wanda, Pietro, Peter, and I all go into the kitchen and grab some food and sit at the island to eat. Wanda helps me get the food to my plate. Once we sit down most everyone is back to doing their own thing and my head is feel better. I only eat a little, still not used to eating full meals. Once we finish I follow Piet, Wan, and Peter to the training room. I curl up on the bench and watch Peter and Piet stretch and prepare to spar. Wanda sits under me on the floor and stretches. As soon as both Piet and Peter are ready they begin to spar. Pietro as always goes for a left punch first. Peter dodges it and try's to kick Pietro. Piet grabs his leg and gets him down.
"Come on Peter." I say.
After a minute maybe of Peter trying to get Piet off of him he taps out.
"I can't do it." Peter says as he heads towards me. "He's almost 2 years older and is almost a head taller."
"Peter. You have to practice. I can take him down and he's a little more than a head taller than me and almost 2 years older." I tell him.
"Listen to your sister." Mama says. "She's right. It takes a lot of time and effort."
"She is always better at this stuff." He says looking very discouraged.
"Peter you are so much better at the emotions stuff. I'm shit at that crap. We both have our strong suits. And trust me. I didn't get to be able to fight like this overnight. It took so much practice." I tell him.
Peter just looks down as he sits next to me. Mama and Papa walk over and motion for Wanda and Piet to come too.
"So August is coming soon and that means school will start for normal kids. How would you feel if we enrolled you in a high school? We would have you guys take a test to see what grade you would be put it then we would see what school you guys would go best at." Mama tells us.
"We won't make you do anything you are uncomfortable with. We could just have you take the test to see what would happen then decide from there." Papa explains.
"Pietro and I have been to school. It's not that bad. I promise." Wanda tells me and Peter.
"If it means we have a normal life I am willing." Peter says.
"I guess it's not a bad idea." I tell the group.
"Okay! We have the test for whenever you are ready. Take your time. We still have a little before we have to starts searching for schools." Mama tells us.
Wanda stands up.
"Who wants to spar?" She asks.
I stand up and Pietro pushes me back down.
"Bad Scarlett." He tells me playfully.
I pout a bit as he ruffles my hair.
"My hands don't even hurt that bad Piet. I'll be fine. It's just Wanda." I say trying to convince him.
"No, you are gonna hurt yourself even worse." He tells me.
"But Piet." I try.
"No." He tells me sternly.
"I'll spar with you Wanda." He says walking to the center of the room.
I slowly sit down on the bench. No matter what my injuries were in Hydra I would be able to fight. Nobody has every really told me no when it comes to fighting.
"Hey. He's just looking out for you. He know you will fight until your last breath. He doesn't want you to get hurt more." Peter tells me.
"I know this is just new. I'm not used to someone telling me to not fight because of injuries." I tell him.
"I bet it's weird. You got hurt a whole lot worse than I did."
"Yeah it kinda sucks." I tell him.
Mama and Papa are talking over to the side. I look back over and Wanda seems to be losing control again. It looks like Piet said something that made her snap, but she gains control back before anything gets to bad. Finally, Pietro taps out. After a while of watching them spar, the group decides to get cleaned up. Everyone heads to their rooms. Since I didn't do much I just sit on my bed and grab a book. I curl up and begin to read. I slowly drift off to sleep.
Peter's POV
I get in my room and take a quick shower to wash off the sweat. Once I have changed I decide to go hang out with Scarlett. I grab my phone and make my way to her room. I knock, but nobody answers. I slowly open my door and make my way in. I see her curled up on her bed, book in hand, sleeping. I smile to myself and slowly make my way to her. I don't want to wake her up seeing as she hasn't slept much. I crawl into bed next to her. I gently grab her book, place a bookmark in it, and set it onto her bedside table. She stirs a bit in her sleep and curls up into me. I smile to myself and pull out my phone. I play on it for a bit, then slowly start to fall asleep.
Scarlett's POV
I wake up to someone laying under me. I start to panic the realize it's Peter. I sit up a bit, trying to not wake Peter up. It doesn't work. Peter stirs awake and sits up. Neither of us say anything, almost like a mutual agreement. We look over at the clock. It reads 4:23 a.m. I slowly get up and make my way to my bathroom. I go to grab my toothbrush when I hear Peter tell me he is going to go back to his room. I hear the door open and close as I begin to brush my teeth. I then brush my hair and make my way to my desk where I begin to write again. I write about everything that has happened since I last wrote. I look back over at the clock to see it is 5:02 a.m.
"Fri, is anyone else awake?"
"Mr. Rogers, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Barnes left for their run about and hour ago and should be back any time soon. Ms. Romanoff is waking up in her room also."
"Thanks Fri."
I make my way out of my room into Mama's. I knock and hear a quiet come in. I make my way into the room and see her still laying in bed.
"Did I wake you? I'm sorry. Friday told me you were awake." I apologize.
"You didn't wake me little one. I promise. I was just about to get up." She reassured me as she moves to sit on the edge of her bed.
I move across the room to sit next to her.
"What do we have planned today?" I ask her.
"Your father and I thought you and your siblings could take you test for school today. Just to get it out of the way if that's okay with you."
I nod to her.
"Good." She smiles. "I'm going to get ready then maybe we could make breakfast."
I smile back at her and nod.

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