Chapter 6

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Scarletts POV
"Yes please" I sign back to Papa.
"Stay here. I'll go get her." He says and hurries off.
"Have you met her?" I sign to Peter.
"Yes, she's really nice." He says.
Next thing I know a woman who looks very similar just a bit older walks in.
"Привет, моя маленькая Скарлетт." |Hello, my little Scarlett| She says in a soft tone.
"Mama?" I sign.
"Я здесь, мой маленький." |I'm here my little one|
I smile at her.
"You guys look so similar." Pietro says in awe.
I stand up next to her and they all just sit their in awe.
"Why don't we get you guys settled in your rooms?" Papa asks.
"Rooms?" I sign.
"You guys get your own rooms." Papa says.
"Cool!" says Pietro.
We walk into a huge living area and kitchen. Their are a few people in there that give us small smiles and go back to what they are doing. We finally make it too a long hallway with doors on each side. There are six doors on each side. We move down to the last four doors. The two on the left are for Peter and Pietro. The two on the right are for me and Wanda. Next to my room is Mamas room. Next to Peters is Papa's room. I walk into my room and look around in awe.
"It's so big!" I sign.
I look around for a second. Then Mama comes in. She walks over and shows me the bathroom and closet. I just stand there. I don't know what to do.
"I don't know if I can accept this. This is a huge room and I don't want to be a burden." I sign at Mama.
"Вы не бремя, детка. Я рад, что ты здесь." |You are not a burden baby. Im glad your here.| She says with a soft smile on her face.
I smile back. Then I sit on the huge bed. She sits next to me. I flinch, but let her sit.
"Эй, я не собираюсь делать тебе больно." |Hey, I'm not going to hurt you.| She says slowly putting her arm around me. She gently set her arm on my shoulders.
I tense up, but relax after a second. She looks at me and smiles.
"You really do look like me." She says smiling.
I giggle a bit. I look up at her. She kisses me on my head and gets up. She walks to the door before looking back.
"I'm going to check on them. I'll come back." She says smiling.
I smile back. Then she leaves.
Natasha's POV
I walk out of Scarletts room and see Bucky in the hall walking out of Pietro's room.
"How is he settling in?" I ask Bucky.
"He wouldn't stop running around the room." Bucky says while laughing.
"I guess you could say he likes it." I say laughing a bit.
"I'll check on Peter if you want to check on Wanda."
"Sounds good." I says while heading to Wanda's room.
I knock on the door. Wanda opens the door with her powers. I walk in. She is sitting on her bed in awe. She is just taking in the huge room.
"I really don't deserve such a huge room Miss Natasha." She says.
"Of course you do my sweet girl." I say giving her a soft smile, while siting next to her.
"Thank you." She says looking to my eyes. "For everything. I don't know how I could ever repay you."
"You just being here is enough payment." I say smiling.
She leans in and hugs me. I hug her back.
"I'm going to go check on your brother. I heard he can't contain his excitement." I say.
Wanda starts giggling.
"That sounds about right." She says.
Then I walk out into the hall. I head toward Pietro's room and know i on the door. Pietro opens it then runs back to his desk. He looks like he has evening running for hours.
"Why don't you come sit for a second," I say trying to calm him down.
"It's just so big and exciting!" He says while running to sit next to me.
"So I guess you like it." I say with a smile.
He gives me a big smile and nods.
"Do you mind if I go check on Peter?" I ask.
"Sure! Can I go to Wanda's room?" He asks.
"Of course you can." I say. "You don't have to ask me."
"Thank you!" He says.
Then I see a flash of blue go out of the room. I smile and walk back into the hallway. Bucky is leaving Wanda's room and heading towards Scarletts.
"Be gentle with her. She's scared." I say to Bucky before her knocks on the door.
"I will." He says smiling as he knocks on the door.
I walk over to Peter's room and know knock on the door.
"You can come in." Peter yells.
I walk in to see him sitting at his desk looking out the window.
"How are you liking your room?" I ask.
"It's really big!" He says. "I love it! Thank you!!"
"You are very welcome my little spider." I say walking over to him.
"Mr. Rodgers would like to let you know dinner is ready." F.R.I.D.A.Y. states.
"Thank you Fri. We will be right down." I say.
"What the heck was that?" Peter asks.
"That's F.R.I.D.A.Y. shes an A.I. that helps run the building. She isn't going to hurt you. She is here to help." I say trying to comfort him.
"Oh." He says.
We head out the door into the hall way. Wanda and Pietro are already out. Bucky and Scarlett and still in her room. I reassure the kids that they are okay and bring them down for dinner.
Bucky's POV
I head toward Scarlett's room after leaving Wanda's room.
"Be gentle with her. She's scared." Nat say to me before I knocks on the door.
"I will." I say smiling as I know on Scarlett's door.
Scarlett walks to the door and opens it. She looks surprised to see me.
"Can I come in?" I ask her.
"Sure." She signs.
"Thank you." I say as I walk in. "How do you like your room?"
"It's really big." She signs. "I thought you weren't coming back for us." She signs with sad eyes.
"I promised I would come back and I did. You are safe here and don't need to worry." I say smiling at her.
"Thank you for coming back. I know it must have been rough for you." Scarlett signs.
"It wasn't to bad knowing I would find you." I say with a soft smile.
She smiles back at me.
"Mr. Rogers would like to let you know dinner is ready." F.R.I.D.A.Y. says.
Scarlett immediately pulls out a knife.
"It's okay. That's F.R.I.D.A.Y. she is the A.I. in the tower. She is here to help. She won't hurt you. I promise." I say trying to calm her down.
She puts the knife away and breathes. I here Nat in the hall with the other kids.
"What do you say we head down to eat?" I ask her.
"I can't." She signs at me.
"Why not?" I ask.
"I got in trouble. I was to slow." She signs.
"You are not their anymore. You don't have to worry about that. When was the last time you ate?" I ask.
She just shrugs. I look at her with sad eyes.
"Why don't we go eat?" I ask.
"I guess," She signs.
We walk to the elevator and make our way to the dining room.

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