Chapter 11

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After we finish we all head up to bed. As I'm walking down I sign to them.
"I should scare the shit out of them in the morning and start having a full on conversation with them. Act like I have talked since I have gotten here."
"That would be hilarious." Bucky says.
"Good Night!" I whisper.
They whisper it back. I go into my room and Nat follows.
"What's up Mama?" I ask.
It hurts a bit to talk because I haven't done it in so long.
"After you get ready for bed would you like to read some more?" She ask.
"Of course!" I say quietly, still getting used to my voice.
I go take a shower and put on a comfy t-shirt and some Nike shorts I got at the mall today. I go crawl in bed next to Mama and she starts to read. After a few chapter I ask her to stop because I keep falling asleep she says okay and sets the book on my nightstand.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. let me know about your nightmare last night. Do you want me to stay in here?" She says.
"Oh. You can if you would like. It's not a big deal though." I say.
"Why don't I stay tonight," She says.
"Okay." I say with a soft smile.
I curl up close to her and fall asleep. I wake up about 6 hours later in a panic. She looks at me and tells me to breathe. She calms me down and looks at me. "Would you like to talk about it?" She asks.
I just shake my head. It's about 5:30 so we decide to go ahead and get up. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. Mama went to her room to get ready. I go over to my desk and go to one of the cute journals. I pick it up and start to write. I write about everything. I write the good, the bad, and the dirty. I write everything because it helps get it off my chest. I look up at the clock and it's 6:15. I decide to go down to the common room and chill until breakfast. I go down in the elevator. I continue signing to people until everyone is down here. I want to see there reactions. Everyone is kinda doing there normal stuff. I walk into the kitchen and motion to Mama. She understands and starts to look around.
"So, what are we having for breakfast?" I say.
Everyone looks up really confused. Most of my voice has come back since I talked last night.
"Holy shit. Did you just talk?" Scott says.
"Do it again."
"Hello..." I say confused.
"Damn she even sounds like her Mama." Tony says.
I blush a bit. Steve walks over and I help him make pancakes. He talked to me a lot more.
"It's a lot easier to have a conversation with you when someone else does have to translate." He says.
"Very true," I say.
Once we make the pancake it's time to eat. We eat and it's delicious.
"So... You have lots of powers, right." Sam says.
"I guess you could say that." I say in response.
"What other powers do you have?" He asks.
"I have the scream and telekinesis, which you already know about. I also can shoot photon blasts from my fists. I can fly. I can also sing in a way that hypnotizes people. I can also do a few smaller things that aren't really that important. I respond.
"Can you show us?" He asks thinking I am lying.
"Sure." I say taking it as a challenge.
"Don't hurt yourself." He says.
I push away my chair and stand where everyone can see me. I stand on tip toes for a split second then I lift myself off the ground. Everyone faces are in awe. I come back down and use my powers to lift up and apple and bring it to my hand. Then I throw it up and photon blast it. They are so confused about how I am able to do that.
"I don't believe you can actually hypnotize people." Sam says.
"Fine. When I sing I can read minds and see memories. I can even make people do things or get information out of them. Sam i'll do it to you so I can show the group." I say looking at him mischievously.
"Try me." He says.
"My condolences
I'll shed a tear with your family
I'll open a bottle up
Pour a little bit out in your memory
I'll be at the wake dressed in all black
I'll call out your name, but you won't call back
I'll hand a flower to your mother when I say goodbye
Cause, baby, you're dead to me" I sing. Once I finish he is dizzy and has a headache. I forced the pain into his brain. I could have looked into his memories but that's something that most people want kept private so I stay out.
"What the fuck did you do to me you little shit?" He yells.
"I proved my point." I say. Then walk away.
"Come back and fix my head." He yells.
"I'm good." I say.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. could you take me to the training room?"
"Of course." She says in response.
Once I get down there I change into some leggings and a sports bra. Then I start to workout. After about an hour and a half Wanda and Nat come down.
"That's where you went!" Wanda says.
"Yeah. This actually kinda relaxes me." I say.
"Wanna spar?" Wanda asks. "It will be like old times."
"Why not." I say.
She changed into leggings and a sports bra as well.
"Powers. No weapons. No vocal shot either." She says.
"Whatever." I say.
Nat just watches commenting on our moves. I look into Wanda's eyes and can tell she is forgetting how to control her powers.
"Wan. I need you to come back to me." I say while trying to defend myself.
I try to punch her but she uses her powers and starts to slowly break my wrist.
"Oww. Wan. Please. Wan. Stop. Please." I beg while trying to bring her back to me. "Shit. Wan. You gotta come back." I say tears running down my face.
Then it happens. I accidentally scream. The waves hit her and knock some sense into her. She is back and isn't injured. I look down at my wrist and the bone needs to be popped back into place. Mama runs over to me.
"We need to get you to Bruce!" She says trying to stay calm.
"No!" I say. "Stay back! I can... I can do this."
I am struggling to hold back my screams.
"Go into the room outside of here. Now!"
They do as I say scared of what I could do to them. I pop it back into place and scream the ultrasonic waves are so big they bust the punching bag and rattle the room. I burst into tears but feel better immediately. I slowly get up and head to where Mama and Wanda are. I open the door and walk out.
"I am soooo sorry!! I didn't mean to! I just got in the moment. I'm so sorry." Wanda says.
"Wan. I'm fine. Are you okay? I hit you with a pretty nasty scream. I'm really sorry about that."
"I'm fine. I just broke your wrist. You are obviously not okay." Wanda says.
"Wanda. Look at me. I am fine." I say.
"You should probably have Bruce check on you just to be safe." Mama says.
I reluctantly agree. As we walk to the elevator the whole team walks out in full gear.
"What the hell." Mama says.
"The house literally shook. we thought someone was dying or already dead." Tony says very shaken up.
"Oh. Uhh." I scratch the back of my neck. "Well, Wanda and I were sparring and she accidentally used her powers to hard and popped my wrist out of socket. Then I popped it back in place and accidentally screamed and it shook the house..." I say. "I'm really sorry!"
"Holy Shit! You popped it back in place yourself!" Bucky yells shoving Tony out of the way.
"I'm fine Papa." I say.
"That sounded very unconvincing." Papa says.
He immediately picks me up bridal style. I immediately go to fight back and he takes my leg off.
"Can't run if you don't have a leg." He says.
Everyone moves out of the way and lets us get in the elevator.
-time skip-
"Her wrist is perfectly fine. She must have fixed it when she popped it back." Bruce says.
"Thank you Banner." Papa says handing my leg back to me.
"I told you I was fine." I say glaring at him.
"You definitely look like you mother with that look. You definitely got her glares." Papa says.
We head out of the Medbay and up the elevator. We go to the common rooms. Everyone is on the couch's talking. We walk in and sit with them. They order chinese food. We sat and talk about all kinds of random stuff.
"So you said you still have some small powers you haven't shown us. Can you show us now?" Rhodes says to me.
"I have one other thing that's pretty cool I guess." I say. "It's gonna sound weird but if I taste your blood I can tell you your full name, age, and date of birth."
"Now you have to be lying about that." Sam says.
I use my powers and get a bandanna.
"I'll blindfold myself and someone prick their finger. I'll taste you blood and tell you the information."
Everyone agrees. I put on the bandanna. Then they give me someone's finger. I use my pointer finger and get some blood on my finger. I taste it.
"Virginia Potts, Age 44, Date of birth April 10, 1972." I say then take off the blindfold.
Everyone sits there in awe.
"Damn. How do you do that?" Clint asks.
"That was actually the Red Room." I say.
We finish eating then get to the topic of Thor's hammer. Everyone tries and nobody can lift it. Then Pietro, Wanda, and Peter try. None of them can. They finally come to me.
"Oh that's not something I really need to know in life." I say.
"You sound more and more like your mother everyday." Clint says.
"Ya boring." Sam says to me.
"Fine." I say walking over to mjölnir.
I grab it and pick it up like it's nothing.

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