Chapter 14

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Scarlett's POV
We get out of bed and walk to the elevator. Once we get up to the common area everyone is starting to make their way over to the dinner table. We join them. Peter avoids eye contact with me all dinner. I can tell he is hurt because of what I said to him. Wanda goes on like nothing happened. I think she just wants us to all be okay. Pietro is talking a little bit but just staying away from me. I didn't mean to hurt them but I had to say what I said. I move and sit next to Mama and Wanda. We eat dinner like somewhat normal.
"Who's night is it for dishes?" Rhodes asks the group.
"The sets of twins." Steve says.
I look over and see Peter tense up. I just start collecting plates and making my way to the kitchen. I set them on the counter and go to grab more. I accidentally bump into Peter making all his plate go crashing into the floor.
"Shit Pete I'm really sorry!" I say trying to be nice.
"It's fine." He mumbles in a soft yet aggressive tone.
I begin to look for a broom. By the time I look back over Pietro has swept it up.
"Thank you Piet." I tell him genuinely.
"Of course Scarlett." He says going over to the sink to help wash dishes.
I look over at the adults.
"I'm really sorry for breaking all those plates." I say waiting for a punishment.
"Hey. It's okay. We all make mistakes. We are going to get mad" Mama says.
"Yeah. I'm a billionaire so it's no big deal." Tony adds.
I turn back around and help out dishes away while Wanda and Peter work together to get them clean and dry. Pietro helps me put away the dishes. Once we are done I go to sit on the couch with the adults. Peter, Wanda, and Pietro head somewhere else. Once they are gone I relax a bit.
"So did you really protect Peter in Hydra?" Clint asks.
"Yeah. He was always..." I pause not knowing how to phrase it. "More emotional. He felt more pain. Hydra trained him to fight while the red room taught me to hide every emotion and take what is given to you. He never learned to put his emotions to the side and complete the task at hand. Which to be completely honest with you is not a bad thing."
"I get what you said about the red room versus hydras way of teaching." Papa says.
"The red room is more focused on the task at hand. You finish the task no matter the circumstance. Your emotions come later." Mama says unfazed almost.
"Hydra is more concerned with getting to punish you. They don't really tell you to hide your emotions because they want you to do something wrong. They want to hurt you." Papa adds.
"Coming from both, they have completely different standards, ways of thinking, and teaching. The red room is very get the job done with what is given to you, while Hydra is very get the job done. You can improvise the rest but not to much because it will all go to shit quick. Then you get punished." I say.
"I knew Hydra and the red room were bad but not that bad." Tony says.
Everyone gets quiet and we focus back on the TV. After a bit I decide to go to my room for a while. I get up.
"Куда ты идешь, малышка?"|Where are you going little one?| Mama asks.
"Heading up to my room for a little." I respond making my way to the elevator.
"Okay. Have fun." Mama says.
"Be back at 8 for movie night!" Clint says excitedly.
"I will." I respond giggling as I get in the elevator.
I tell Fri to take me to my room. We get to the floor and I get off. I make my way to my room. I am about to walk in when Pietro, Peter, and Wanda come out of Peters room laughing.
"Oh... Hey Scarlett." Pietro says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, umm, hey." Peter adds.
Wanda gives me a sincere smile and a small wave.
"Hey. Um i'm just going to my room. Sorry." I say opening my door.
"Cool." Pietro says awkwardly.
I nod and walk into my room. I close the door and lean my back against it. I slowly slide down to the floor. I hear them walk down the hallway and head to the elevator. Tears slip out of my eyes. I just pull my knees to my chest and sit. A little later Fri puts on some music.
"I have been programmed to play this playlist when you aren't feeling the happiest." Friday says.
"Wanda must have told Tony to program that." I think.
I smile a bit when she plays Let's Fall in Love for the Night by Finneas.
"She know me well." I think.
I stand up and look at the clock. It reads 6:57 p.m. I walk over to my closet and just stare. I grab my phone and go to Pinterest. I look up cute outfits. I somehow end up sitting on the floor of the closet looking at cute outfits. The music pauses and Friday tells me I have 10 minutes until I need to be downstairs for movie night. I grab a pair of nike shorts and a sweatshirt I am pretty sure I stole from Steve. I slip my clothes from today off and put those on. Once I tell Fri where I want to go I pull out my phone. I mess around until the door opens. I walk in. I survey the room to see where I can sit. On one smaller loveseat is Tony and Pepper. On the one across is Pietro, Wanda, and Peter. In the middle is Steve, Sam, and Mama. Papa is on the floor in front of Mama. Clint is sitting on a beanbag chair next to Wanda's couch.
"Does anybody need anything while I'm up?" I ask before I choose somewhere to sit.
"Could I get a coke?" Clint asks.
"Sure. Anyone else?" I respond.
"No, thank you though!" Pepper says.
I walk over to the fridge and grab a coke and a water for me. I hear someone behind me. I look and see Wanda.
"Hey." She says.
"Hey." I respond.
"I'm really sorry about today. I have been so rude. I just didn't know how to respond to what you said and-"
"It's okay. I understand. I shouldn't have gone off on Peter. He just got me so upset. It's a sensitive topic I guess. I'm sorry too." I tell her.
"Can I?" She asks gesturing for a hug.
I lean in and give her a big hug. She squeezes me tight and we walk back.
"I'm sorry the boys take up so much space." She whispers while I search for a place to sit.
"It's okay. I'll sit next to Papa." I say handing her the coke and gesturing to hand it to Clint.
She hands it to Clint while I slowly sit down next to Papa.
"Hello little one." He says putting his arm around my shoulder.
He notices I'm a bit uncomfortable sitting under Sam.
"Here switch with me." He says as he scoots over a bit.
We switch so I am sitting under Mama.
"Hey little one. Whatcha doing?" Mama asks.
I turn back and look at her.
"I'm planning on watching a movie but they seem to be taking all night to pick one." I say looking over at Tony and Steve arguing over what to watch.
Mama chuckles.
"I think we might be here for a while." She says.
"Where is everyone. This definitely is not our whole group." I say noticing the loss since dinner.
"They all had 'more important things'," She tells me. "We all know they have nothing better to do."
"Very true." I say turning over to Sam and Papa.
"Sup child with powers." Sam says when he actually notices me for the first time.
"You know we all have powers right." I comment.
"Yeah well you don't have to get all smart with me." Sam says getting defensive.
"Goodness didn't know I was talking to a child." I respond rolling my eyes.
I glance over to Wanda's couch. Peter seems very tense. Pietro is whispering something in his ear. I tap my wrist at Wanda. She just shrugs.
"Okay what is that?" Mama leans and whispers in my ear.
"We needed a way for just us girls to communicate so we tap our wrist. We have a whole language." I whisper back.
"Damn okay. That's really cool." She says leaning back up.
"Yeah. We got bored in Hydra sometimes and Wanda wanted to talk to me and have like girl time or whatever she called it." I tell her turning back to look at her.
We talk a for a few more minutes then Tony raises his voice.
"People who have gathered in my expensive tower to watch a movie thank you for coming. We have decided on a movie. Tonight Avengers Tower will be playing... Drum roll please."
"Tony just get to the point." Steve says looking a bit irritated as he sits down ned to Sam on the couch.
"Beetlejuice!" Tony says excitedly.
"It's the end of May. Why are we watching Beetlejuice?" Clint asks.
"It's never to early to be celebrating halloween." Tony responds with a smile.
"Uhh. What's halloween?" I ask.
I glance over and peter is confused too.
"It's a holiday where you dress up as something and go around to peoples houses, knock on their doors, and they give you candy." Steve explains.
"Umm. Isn't that how you get kidnapped or drugged?" I respond really confused.
"It's the one day a year it's safe to knock on people's doors." Steve adds.
"So what day is it?" Peter asks.
"October 31st." Sam adds.
"Cool. So what's Beetlejuice and why is it named that?" I ask still confused.
"Well around halloween we watch scary movies because halloween is associated with spooky stuff." Mama says. "So Beetlejuice isn't scary but it's is very good."
"Okay. Let's just start watching." I tell her.
Tony has Friday turn off the lights and get the movie ready while he and Clint go grab the candy. They begin to set it on the table. I go to grab the M&Ms but Peter beats me there. I haven't had any other candy before. Papa grabs me some gummy bears.
"These are good if you want to try them." He leans over an whispers in my ear.
"I'll try." I say.
They movie begins and I try the gummy bears. I like the red the most. A few minutes into the movie Mama starts to mess around with my hair. She braids it and tries new things. I just sit and pay attention to the movie. I am in love with Lydia's aesthetic. Once the movie finishes we all get up and make our way to the elevator. We say our good nights and head into our rooms.

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