Chapter 8

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About an hour later I wake up screaming. I look around and start to panic.
"Miss Scarlett. You have seemed to have had a nightmare. Would you like me to contact Natasha or Bucky?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asks.
I sign no in reply, but quickly realized she is only recognizes voices. So i slowly get up and head to the door. I make my way out of my room and into Wanda's room. She wakes up to the door opening sees me. She lifts up her covers and lets me crawl in. I curl up on her side and slowly fall back asleep.
About and hour later, 1:45 a.m., Peter walks in and curls up next to me.
About two hours later, 3:47 a.m., Pietro makes his way in and curled up at the bottom of the bed.
At 4:15 a.m., Wanda had a nightmare. We all calmed her down and slowly went back to sleep. Peter and Pietro woke up at left at 5:30 a.m.. Wanda woke up at 5:45 a.m., but stayed where she was because she noticed I was actually sleeping for once. She know I never sleep and decided to let me.
I slowly wake up at 6:23 a.m..
"Oh, Wanda I am so sorry for keeping you from getting up," I say while getting up.
"It's okay Scar. I didn't mind." She says.
I walk to the door and go to open it. As soon as I do Nat barges in. I pull out a knife and hold it to her throat.
"Good moves little one." She says while grabbing my knife and handing it back to me.
I put it away and look back at her.
"Sorry I barged in. I couldn't find Scarlett and got scared." Mama says.
"I'm sorry! I was with Wanda." I sign to her apologetically.
"It's okay little one. Who's up for some waffles?" Mama asks.
"Oh I love waffles!" Says Wanda running time the door.
"I'll be right there," I sign to Wanda and Mama.
I walk into my room and brush my teeth and hair. Then I walk out and into the elevator. I remember what level Papa said the kitchen was on and head there. Once I get there I head out and see Wanda and Pietro talking and Peter showing off his metal arm. I walk over to Peter.
"Good morning, asshole." I sign to him.
"That was rude." He says punching me in the arm.
"Why did you do that?" I sign to Peter.
"Because I can," He says.
"I'll stab you. " I sign back to him.
"Bet." He says.
I pull out my knife and go to stab him. He runs off.
"You should be scared." I sign while putting away my knife.
"What the hell just happened?" Asks Sam with a confused look.
"I honestly have no clue." Responds Rhodes.
I just give them a small smile and walk toward the island. Wanda and Pietro are arguing about something. I walk over to them.
"Хватит бегать вокруг башни. Ты что-то сломаешь, и у нас будут большие неприятности!" | Stop running around the tower. Your gonna break something and we are going to get in big trouble!| Wanda whispers aggressively at Pietro.
"Хватит портить мне веселье! Они сказали, что не причинят нам вреда!" |Stop ruining my fun! They said they won't hurt us!| Pietro whispers's back.
"Вот что сказала ГИДРА, и они чуть не убили нас!" |That's what HYDRA said and they almost killed us!| Wanda says back.
"Pietro! Wanda! Just be on your best behavior and we don't have to worry about them punishing us." I sign to them. "Just be careful!"
"Sorry." They say in unison and they walk over to the couch.
I walk over and sit at the counter next to Mama. I start talking to Mama then I here rustling in the vents and Clint falls out onto the counter. I immediately pull out my knife and have it to his throat. Natasha starts to laugh and grabs my knife. Everyone stares at me and then starts to laugh with Mama.
"What the hell was that for?!?" Clint yells at me.
"I'm really sorry!" I sign looking down.
I tense up waiting for punishment. He just looks at me.
"Oh. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I was just surprised someone your size could pull a knife on me so quickly." He says.
I look up. He gives me a sympathetic smile. I smile back and he goes to hug me. I accidentally photon blast him. It wasn't to hard so it didn't really hurt him it just pushed him across the room. Everyone stares again.
"Shit! I am so sorry!" I sign while running over to help him up.
Wanda translates for him and runs over to help.
"It's okay. I shouldn't have tried to hug you." He says. "May I ask what that was?"
I go to start signing, but Wanda starts explain.
"HYDRA experimented on her a lot. It was often. Every time they had even the slightest breakthrough she was the test dummy." Wanda says to the group.
You see everyone's faces slowly change from interested to sad. I heard a few people sigh.
"I'm okay though. They made me very strong. It hurt, but it honestly wasn't bad. No need to worry about me." I sign while Wanda translates.
I see a few smiles. Then Steve speaks up.
"Who wants so breakfast?" He asks and Clint jumps up and down.
"MEEEEEEE!" He screams.
Me and Wanda start to giggle. He glares at us for a second then gets distracted by the TV.
"Does anyone want to help?" He asks.
Me and Wanda walk over.
"What do you need us to do?" Wanda asks for the both of us.
"Could you cut up the fruit?" He asks.
"Sure." I sign.
Wanda translates and we head to the refrigerator. We grab strawberries and watermelon. Wanda goes over to the knife holder and grabs two knifes. I whip out my knife and start to cut a strawberry.
"Ewww! Нет шрамов! Используйте чистый нож, которым вы не зарезали людей." | Ewww! No Scar! Use a clean knife you haven't stabbed people with.| Wanda yells at me.
She grabs the strawberry and throws it away. I put away my knife and grab the one she grabbed for me. Mama listens to our conversation in Russian and laughs. Once we finish cutting the fruit we ask Steve what else we can help with. He asked us to set up the table. Once we finish he says we can go sit until he's finished the waffles. We walk and sit down next to Papa on the couch.
-Time skip-
Once we finish breakfast we put away our plates.
"Why don't we go to the mall today and get you guys some other clothes?" Mama asks us.
"What's a mall?" Asks Peter.
"Did he just ask what a mall is?" Tony asks baffled by the fact Peter doesn't know what a mall is.
"Yes he did Tony! He hasn't really left HYDRA his whole like asshole." Mama says.
"It's a place where we can buy stuff." Bucky says.
"Cool." Peter says.
"Why don't y'all go to your rooms and get cleaned up a bit then we will get going!" Mama says.
"Okay!" Wanda, Pietro, and Peter say.
We all head to the elevator. We get to our rooms. I walk into mine. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair. I sit there for a sec then decide to go to Wanda's room. I walk out into the hallway and know on her door.
"Come in!" She yells.
I open the door and walk in.
"Wanda." I sign. "Is a mall a public place?"
"Yes. Why?" She asks.
"People have seen me in this outfit. But I wasn't know as Scarlett." I sign to her.
"Oh. Why don't you as Miss Natasha for some clothes. You look about the same size." She says.
"Or I could scare the shit out of everyone downstairs and use my powers." I sign.
"That would be so funny! You have to do the quick change in front of them." She says giggling.
"I will. I'm gonna go hang out in my room. Come get me when you are ready." I sign.
I walk to my room. I look in the full length mirror with a silver outlining on the wall. I am wearing a all black outfit. I have black jeans that have been ripped due to fighting and torture. I have a black long sleeve shirt that is tight on my body. Then i have a black sweatshirt with the sleeves sit off. I have plenty of places were I hide knifes and other weapons on me. My long red hair is laying gently on my shoulders. I have a bandanna on my bed i bear over my mouth and these giggle type things so nobody can "see" me. I go sit on the bed and wait for Wanda. I sit for about five minutes then I hear Wanda know i on my door. I open it and walk out to the elevator with her. We go down and meet in the living room.
"Scarlett, would you like some clothes to change into?" Mama asks.
"I got it." I say.
Then I wave my hand down my body and immediately change into acid wash skinny jeans, a black belt, and one of Mama's old t-shirts. My hair goes into a pony tail with hair pulled out in the front. I have a full face of makeup on. Everyone but Wanda, Pietro,and Peter sit there in awe.
"Damn kid. You just keep surprising me." Clint says smiling at me.
Peter rolls his eyes.
"You still look like an idiot." He signs to me.
"Asshole" I sign back.
"Be nice!" Bucky says.
"Only if he is." I sign.
Bucky laughs.
"Let's head time the van." Tony says.
We get in the elevator. I grab a small ipod touch and stick some tiny earbuds in. Nobody notices. We walk into a huge garage and get in the van. Steve drives. Peter sits next him. Then Bucky. Behind them is Natasha, Bruce, and Tony. Then Me, Wanda, and Pietro. Next is Thor, Loki, and Clint. Lastly, it's Scott, Sam, and Rhodes. Everyone is talking to each other. I can't sing so I sign along to songs everyone's and a while. I don't realize i'm doing is and Natasha looks back to check on us and sees me signing. I'm signing along to the song City of Angels by 24kGoldn. She gets confused and taps me.
"Oh shit." I sign. "Sorry."
"It's okay. What were you signing?" She asks.
"Oh." I moved back my hair to reveal an earbud. "I'm listening to music. It calms me."
She smiles at me and starts to talk to Bruce. I continue listens to my music. About 20 minutes late we make it to the mall.

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