Issue #3: Testing My Power

490 21 38

So yeah, already see some flaws in my costume.

I continued to admire my handiwork in the mirror of the changing room.

I opened back up the Crafting Menu and went to work further fine-tuning my outfit. Firstly, I changed the mask, making it a solid helmet roughly modeled after Red Hoods. A sturdy Titanium helmet, with an interwoven titanium cloth, mesh around the outside, and red shades lens' in the eyeholes to really crank that edginess factor up to ten! Instead of red, it's black with a white skull on the front. This was done to protect my head more, gotta protect my one good quality, I'm not exactly the toughest guy in the world. Then I crafted a sort of neck guard, that looked almost identical to the guard on Izuku Midoria's second costume from MHA, except white to contrast with the helmet. Next, I removed the skull from the front of the costume, it was way too cringy looking. After that, I started beefing up my armor. I added shoulder pads made of the same material as the rest of the costume, but at 2.5 times the thickness, and dyed black. Next, I added a bit more protection to my torso, creating a coat of sorts of the same material as the shoulder pads, that trailed down my body ending in two tails. Finally, I crafted a pair of black boots modeled after the sandals Shinobi wear in Naruto, except with a closed, solid titanium toe, and spiked hobnails on the bottom. When I was done, my costume had gone from looking like a rip-off of Spidergwen, to being a ripoff of Edward Kenway.

Y/n: Definitely heavier... but it works...

Next stop... Sporting Goods!

Why Sporting Goods?

Do you remember Metal Bat from One Punch Man?

Yea- oooooh! I like where this is going!

I also wanna grab a frying pan!

Frying... Pan?

Yeah, most OP weapon in any game, and a housewife's favorite!

Paint it white with a ghost on it and call it the "Ghostpan"!

No, the dumb naming scheme is Batman's thing! I'll call it "From Beyond the Grave!"

Eh, too long.

It's a work in progress...

I quickly switched out of my costume and into casual clothes, before sprinting off to Sporting Goods. After I got there, I took a moment to admire their selection. After a moment of deciding, I chose to go with the shorter bats, not remembering what they were called. I took the time to slip all the bats they had into my Inventory.


In case I run out?

I think you're just becoming a Klepto!

Nah, I can quit whenever I want!


I can!

Whatever you say hon.

Now the question is.... what do I do now?

I have an Idea~


Loading Dungeon


Loading Goblins...

Wait... Goblins?

Before I could really rationalize what the System was doing, I was transported to a dank musty cave filled with low skittering. Looking around I was just able to make out low torchlight in the distance. I quickly equipped my armor and bats, then slowly stalked towards the light. When I made it, I saw a small village... filled with Goblins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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