To my knowledge, Tup has never been captured by the Separatists. This means it would be virtually impossible for them to do something to prompt his unusual behaviour. Something isn't adding up.

"That's possible." Anakin agrees. "All I know is, they went to great lengths to capture him, and that means something."

"We have got to get him back." Fives urges.

"We'll find a way, Fives. I promise." I say, hoping I wasn't wrong to make such a promise.

Anakin leads the way to our shuttle which we take back to the station. During the journey, we discuss our plan of attack. Now all we need to do is execute it as planned.

"It will just be the four of us going in. The shuttle will drop us off just short of the main hangar. Then we space-walk from there." Anakin reiterates.

"I like to call it the surprise attack." I say to mimic his words from earlier.

Anakin shoots me a cute smile, immediately realising my play on his words. Moments like these never fail to make my heart flutter, even if the timing isn't always perfect.

"Are you picking anything up on Tup's locator?" Rex asks, taking our attention away from each other.

"I've got a faint signal, but it's hard to track. It's moving." Fives replies, his voice beginning to show signs of anxiety toward the situation.

Tup is important to Fives, and as a member of my battalion, he is important to me. For those reasons, I feel the need to get to him as quickly as possible. 

"Then we'd better hurry." Anakin says.

The pilot of the shuttle flies below the ring of the space station and docks upside down. Anakin hurries to the back and lowers the ramp. I walk out of the shuttle before the others and quickly gain my bearings. It is strange to be walking upside down in the middle of space, but I'll figure it out. I have to.

Anakin somehow manages to catch up to me despite the lack of gravity, and Fives and Rex follow close behind him.

"I've got a better signal. Tup is heading this way." Fives announces.

"They're moving him to the hangar." Anakin states.

There's only one place that could properly help Tup and that is Kamino. Whatever the Separatists have planned for him will be utterly ineffective. They would require the information at Kamino to get anywhere with what they wish to achieve.

"Where could they possibly want to take him?" I ask, more to myself than the others.

We reach the edge of the station and begin to project ourselves straight upwards toward the hangar. The task is physically demanding due to the strength required to prevent ourselves from floating into the vacuum of space, but our determination allows us to succeed.

Upon nearing our desired destination, we stop for a brief moment to see what we're up against. I don't think any of us were expecting to see at least a hundred battle droids within the hangar armed and ready for our attack.

Anakin takes out his scopes and begins to scan the area, Fives, who is on the other side of me, takes out much bigger scopes of his own and begins to chuckle to himself.

"Are your scopes Jedi-issue, Sir?" Fives asks.

I stifle a laugh and give Fives a proud fist bump. I didn't expect such a comment from him during a serious situation, and I cannot describe how proud I am of him.

"Stay focused, Fives." Anakin says, not acknowledging the humour of it.

Fives chuckles to himself a little and I can't help but join in. As we laugh together, a playful smirk also appears on my husband's face.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now