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I quickly left the bathroom. I couldn't believe it.

I gasped and jumped.

"Oh my gosh you scared me babe!" I said to Cameron.

"Why are you pale? Looks like you saw a ghost." Cameron said as he tucked by hair behind by ear.

"Can we go home?" I said looking down.

"Yeah sure, let's go."

We walked hand in hand.
"Wait, my paper bag." I said to Cameron.
He handed it to me and I opened it. I quickly shoved a bunch of cake pops, cookies, macaroons, brownies, and Rice Krispie treats into the bag.
"Ok now let's go."

Throughout the whole ride I was quiet. Cameron gave me my space. I eventually have to tell him. We finally made it home and I quickly undressed and clothed myself in my comfiest lounge wear.

I opened the paper bag and started eating my first cake pop.

"Are you you ready to tell me what wrong with you?" He asked as he sat next to me. He went in for a cookie and starting eating.

"I-I don't know how to say this, but I have to tell someone. Babe, I saw William in the women's restroom."

Cameron stared at me and looked down at his second cookie.
"Ahh shoot, that's-uh-that's horrible babe. I would have turned pale too if I saw that. Devastating."

"Cameron, he wasn't alone."

"Even worst!"

"Cameron, I'm not done yet!"

"Then finish the whole dang story in one sentence, Rosie!"

"William was making out with Chantel! They were all over each other! William and freakin Chantel!"


"They didn't see me but I saw them. I-I just don't know what to do with this information. He's engaged with my sister!"

"What if she lured him in there and got him drunk? And made him make out with her?" Cameron said.

"She's a manipulative witch! Wait but he wasn't drunk. Jackie was drunk."

"Look, this information is something we both know now, let's not say anything yet. We have to observe them to make sure what you saw was a trick or real." Cameron said.

"You're right. Manipulating an engaged man is something Chantel would do."
I can't believe my sister is being cheated on. If I tell Jackie, which I should inform her, she wouldn't believe me, she never does.

"What are you thinking about?" Cameron asked.

"I have to tell Jackie, right?"

"That should be the right thing to do, I believe." Cameron responded.

"Babe, Jackie won't believe me and she'll hate me more than what she already does. Like always, she will think I'm just finding an excuse for everyone to hate on Chantel."
I sighed.

"You're right, she won't believe you, but I feel like this information is something that shouldn't be kept from her because she's your sister. You'll help her dodge a bullet and not marry that man and not be best friend with that woman."

"Cam, But remember, we don't know the full story. Maybe she forced her self on him and manipulated him that night and I just saw the kissing part. What if after I left, he pushed her away and ran out the restroom?" I said as I bit my lip.

"You have a point. You'll have to keep your eye out. Maybe don't say anything until your story is straight but sooner or later, she has to known that her "BFF" isn't really a friend."

"You're right babe, I got this. I'm going to bring that witch down. I'm going to prove that she's a tramp and that I've been right all along!" I get up and take my last bite of my cake pop. "But before I start my mission, I must sleep because boy I'm tired." I said.

The next day...


I have invited Samantha to tell her about the tea. I'm going to need my girl best friend to help me with this.

"What's the tea sis?" Samantha say down on the sofa.

"Hold up, I ordered iced coffee and donuts. It should be here any second." I said as I sit down too.

Cameron walks in with three iced coffees and a box of donuts.

"Right on time!" I smiled.

"I need me a man to get me iced coffee and donuts!" Samantha said as she grabbed her coffee. "Thank you sir." She said to Cameron.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

"You'll find him, trust. Your mans is out there."  I said.

"You always say that to me and whenever I do start talking to someone, they are jerks!" Samantha complained.

"You have to stop going to the bar on the north side, that's why." I said.

"OK, enough about me, what's the tea that I came for?" Samantha quickly changed the topic.

So I told her the whole situation.

"No way! And remember when we saw them at the cafe!" Samantha gasped.

"We did huh! Oh by gosh. Ok, are you down to investigate this?" I asked Samantha.

"Girl I'm already on the job." She said as she was on her phone.
"I'm scrolling through Instagram." She said.

"I think her full name is Chantel Amore."

"Ah she's one of those girls. Instagram model
Or whatever. 5k followers. Pfft." Samantha said as she scrolled.

"How many followers do you have?" I asked.

"Um, 600 and I'm more talented than this woman! She gets likes and followers for posing by a pool? While I'm over here posting my photography skills and modeling my custom
Shoes! Working harder than her!" Samantha said I'm an annoyed tone.

"You see how she makes everyone's blood boil." I said.
We continued with our day.

I hope Jackie believes me and cuts Chantel off before she gets even more hurt.
The thing is, Jackie doesn't even know that she's getting hurt.

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