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*John Cena theme song plays*
I open my eyes and sigh. I reach for the alarm and turn it off. Yes, our alarm is the John cena theme song. It motivates us to wake up.


"What." I reply.

"What time is your sister's party!" Cameron asks.

"At 3." I sighed.
Today is Jackie's birthday. She's going to have a small get together at her condo. I'm dreading to go because she isn't talking to me and Chantel is going to be there.

"Can't we stay and be lazy in bed all day." I said.

"Don't we wish."

"We could make it happen. Let's cancel our plans and stay home. Period end of discussion ." I said.

"I'm tempted." Cameron sighed

"I said period end of discussion . That means we no longer discuss about the topic and we do what our hearts desire." I said.

My phone rings and look at the caller ID, it my birth giver.

"Good morning mutter!" I said as I then stretch and scream.

"Rosie! My ears!" Mom yells through the phone.

"Geez babe, for reals!" Cameron said.

"Well if I don't scream while I stretch, am I even stretching..." I said.

"I believe you're not up yet?" Mom asked.

"You are correct." I said.

"Rosie, Jackie's birthday, did you forget?"

"No mother but I wish I had."

"Rosie? Why the attitude towards your sister?" Mom asked.

"Mom, I know she's doesn't want me there." I said

"Honey, don't say that. Did she uninvite you?"

"No mom but-"

"Rosie, I think you should go and celebrate with all of us. I understand you two are on a rough patch but maybe try fixing things today. You're sisters. I don't like to see you girls like this." Mom said as she sniffled at the end.

"You're-you're right mom. I'll see you later."

"Love you my girl. Also before I forget, it's not longer in her condo. It's at the Neverland country club." Mom said.

"Ok love you." I said and hung up

"You're moms hurt." Cameron said.

"Ughhh! Why are we like this?" I said.

"You're mom has a point. You're sisters and need to talk this through." Cameron said.

"Babe, Jackie is stubborn. Plus she doesn't care about my opinion or anything that I say right now. But either way, I'm going. It's at that one country club that serves an all you can eat dessert buffet, I'm not missing out on that opportunity." I said and quickly got out of bed.

"Wait is it that one country club we had prom at? The macaroons and chocolate fountain! 31 flavored cupcakes?!" Cameron asked.

"Yes sir, now get your butt up!" I said.

"You don't have to tell me twice." He said and quickly got up from bed.
Get you a man who loves food as much as you do.

Hours later we got dressed up and at breakfast. Then we headed to the country club.

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