"Izou Motobe, it's great to finally meet the champion's student." With a smile on his face. Kirishima smiled back at him, before his gaze returned to the ring.

"How do you think this match will play out, Master Motobe?" Rachel then asked. Motobe didn't change his expression, as he answered.

"Izuku is definitely superior in strength, while Doppo has a lifetime of experience under his belt... But techniques... " Then he stopped himself. Both Rachel and Kirishima looked confused, it was as if the martial artist didn't know what to say.

"I don't know... " Motobe then said, slightly shocking everyone.

"Doppo is remarkable with techniques, he has shown it multiple times. Izuku, on the other hand, hasn't shown too much technique... He often just uses his brute strength, as if he wouldn't be satisfied by winning any other way." Motobe then said.

The others weren't too shocked by this observation, for it was true. Izuku's way of fighting is just as mental as its physical, he likes to beat his opponent at their own game. This way of thinking has led to a flexible fighting style, capable of adapting to most situations. He often uses nothing but physical strength to win, but if he wants to he can use techniques... he just hasn't shown what he can do with them...

Izuku and Doppo kept pushing at the other, neither giving in, then it all turned. Doppo threw a punch towards Izuku with his other hand, intent on breaking his ribs. Izuku blocked it with his arm, using Titanium Body to defend. Izuku smiled at this, before he threw a kick towards Doppo's chest, sending him flying back. Doppo landed on his feet seemingly unaffected, and the crowd roared in excitement.

"You're as strong as ever, Champion." Doppo then said, his voice being cool. Izuku smiled at his opponent, as he responded.

"Same goes for you, Cannibal." His voice was somewhat excited.

Doppo smiled at this, as he raised his hands in front of his own chest. The karateka looked as if he was trying to push some invisible object away from himself, and to a certain extent he was.

"The Maeba Stance." Motobe said, and most who were next to him recognised the defensive stance.

Izuku looked at this with a smile, as he slowly approached Doppo. Everyone looked confused, for it looked like Izuku was walking casually, but Motobe recognised what this was.

"No way! He's using that?!" The martial artist called out, and the others looked at him in confusion.

Doppo was also confused, for Izuku wasn't doing anything. His hands were hanging by the sides of his hips, as if he didn't care about what came next.

Izuku eventually made it up to Doppo, and stood less than half a meter away from him. Both fighters stared at the other, until Doppo threw a punch. Izuku was unfazed, as he blocked the attack while felling and punching Doppo to the ground.

Everyone was shocked, for they didn't understand what just happened. Did Izuku use a technique? While moving as if nothing was happening?

"It's Udonde... " Motobe said, and the others turned towards him.

"It's a technique that was only used by royalty. It's defensive, and can only be used from something as neutral as he just did... But how does he know it?" Motobe finished.

The others were shocked. They knew that Izuku has some bizarre techniques up his sleeve, the hand-pocket stance says it all, but how does he know something like a technique for royalty?

"Wow, I never expected that." Doppo said, as he pulled himself up to his feet. Izuku took some distance from Doppo, as he continued to speak.

"Who would've thought that you knew the technique of royalty... I know you have more techniques, show me... "

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