"Thank Tae." I giggle as I lean back and rest my head on the booth behind me. "Any opportunity to hear live music he's there. Heads up though Kook, he didn't tell Jimin it was you that's performing."

"Do you thin-"


I'm sure whatever question Jungkook had for me has just been answered by the short man bounding through the crowd with a glare that could cut glass.

"Get the fuck away from her!!!" Gripping Jungkook's shirt, Jimin tries to pull him out of the booth as I watch on in horror whilst Tae tries to pry the two apart.

"Jimin chill! It's okay!" Tae assures him, Jimin looking at him in disbelief.

"What do you mean it's okay??! Why are you not kicking his ass instead??"

"Because she forgave him, it's all good now."

"It is?!" Jimin looks over at me as I nod timidly. "You're fucking lucky Kook!" He grits at the younger, finally letting him go as we all let out a sigh of relief.

"I better go get set up." Standing to his feet, Jungkook straightens out his crumpled shirt, giving Tae a soft thank you before retreating backstage.

"You okay?" Yoongi softly whispers in my ear as I nod reassuringly, Jimin giving me a disappointing look across the table whilst Tae shoots him one back.

"This is un fucking believable." Jimin scoffs, shaking his head as he picks at the napkin in front of him. "You remember what he did right Y/N?!"

"Jimin!" Tae warns.

"No! She's lost her fucking mind! How could you forgive something like that?!" He yells across the table causing me to jump slightly, Tae gripping my leg as he tries to remain calm.

Finally having enough, I decide to stick up for myself, he may be my best friend, but to make me feel so small in front of other people is not right.

"I forgave him because we are grown now! Because unlike you Jimin I choose not to dwell on the past and give people second chances! Yes what he did was fucked up but he's apologised! If I can get over it then so should you!" Slamming my hand on the table for emphasis, my whole body begins to shake as the adrenaline shoots through my system.

Thankfully before he can shoot his rebuttal at me, the feedback from the microphone cuts him off, Jungkook clearing his throat gaining the attention of the crowd.

"Uh, hi everyone, thank you all for coming tonight. Although most of you are here because I shamelessly handed out flyers to everyone I came across over the past week, I still really appreciate it, so again, thank you. This first song I'm going to sing was written by myself. Most people are unaware that I have been in therapy for quite some time now and my therapist suggested I write down my feelings in order to heal. I wrote this a long time ago in hopes that one day the person it is dedicated to will hear it one day. So all I have to her say is, I'm sorry. Here's still with you."

As the band starts up and the applause dies down, I can feel Taes eyes on me as Jungkook begins to sing. His lyrics so full of meaning it starts to make me feel uncomfortable. For him to say these words to me in front of my husband is a little inappropriate, especially the chorus.

🎶 When will it be if I see you again face to face, I'll look you in the eye and say I missed you🎶

Damn it.

Damn it

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Happy Sunday!!! 😘😘😘

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Happy Sunday!!! 😘😘😘

Step Too Far 2    KTH 🔞Where stories live. Discover now