8)The Haunted House

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One mysterious night,

no one was in sight.

There was an abandoned house,

haunted by bugs and mouse.

The house was large and crooked,

seemed to be spelled and spooked.

By the numerous ghosts,

who lived down the post.

But instead of being scared,

I ran down with a spear.

To kill the biggest ghost,

who lived down the post.

He was so big, scary,

his skin was so slimy and hairy.

He ate me in a single gulp,

and I became the incredible hulk.

 I killed him with my spear,

as I had no fear.

And then he gave a sudden scream,

and I realized it was just a dream.

...(112 words)

#Author's Notes:

Ah, dreams!! Sometimes better than reality, sometimes worse. Yes, I dream a lot, and its mostly themed around what I was thinking about the most! The night before I had this one, I actually planned to raid an abandoned house we considered haunted along with my three other friends.

I ain't that courageous to just walk into a creepy house all alone!! XD Infact I was hella scared even around my litter.

Well, just as we entered, I could hear distant noises from one of its rooms, like someone was fighting! We all just stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. Then suddenly, I donno what got hold of me, but I entered the room from where the noises were coming. 

What did I see? The tower guard sitting on the plastic chair, watching Hulk on his mini T.V

As much confused we were, so was he!! He yelped and got up his chair, saluting us lol. Only then we got to know that this place was the secret den of the street's watchmen. 

This resulted in the simple dream written above XD.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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