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Boy Wonder obviously knew about the problem. "We have a company," he said when he saw Impulse. "Yeah, now turn into your Robin mode and come!" Bart hurried. Both of them joined the team quickly. "Are you okay, Tim?" Luke asked as they run through the corridors. "I'm fully capable to fight," Tim replied and put his mask on.

On the landing platform where dozens of agents trying to get a huge fire under control while other agents were shooting at who knows what. "Who are we fighting?" Spider-Man asked when he spotted Fury. "Don't know yet." Fury replied angrily. Robin and Impulse exchanged looks before dividing. Impulse runs through the fire to distract the attackers so Robin could get closer. Robin got as close as he could without being noticed, that was what he thought.

A blow from behind sent him flying over the rubble he was hiding behind. The boy landed hard on his side but stood up quickly to see who attacked him. He didn't know the man. He had green scorpion-like armour on, yellow glasses covering his eyes plus a scorpion-like tail. "Obsessed with scorpions huh?" Robin murmured as he stood up. "I am Scorpion, foolish boy." the other replied and attacked. Robin gratefully dodged all attacks before throwing a smoke bomb.

It confused the opponent and Robin was able to knock him out. "That's why invertebrates shouldn't attack birds," he commented before hiding again.

Spider-Man and his team got closer to the attackers as well and were not surprised to see the Sinister Six along with some other villains with them. "Are those the villain group Robin and Impulse were talking about?" Nova asked mentioning a strange man in black and orange armour and a few others he didn't know. "Positive." White Tiger replied. "Be careful, we don't know these guys," Spider-Man replied.

Impulse spotted the team and run after them. "Guys, I don't know your villains and you don't know ours. Let our villains to us and we'll do the same thing to yours," he suggested. "I agree, but we won't miss the team training against those." Power Man replied. "Those will kill you without hesitating. Watch your back." Impulse replied before rushing away.

Impulse's run was intruded when he heard heavy breathing right behind him. By instinct, he started to run in a circle around the one who stood behind him. Not even Zoom can't last long without oxygen. Soon the villain speedster passed out from lack of oxygen. Impulse smirked and run off to get the other villains.

"What kind of villains are those? They're like demons!" Nova yelled. "That is because they are," replied Robin who was throwing explosive discs at all villains. "Ra's name is in English translation Demon's head and he's hundreds of years old so he basically is a demon." Impulse added while he dragged Zoom to the others. Robin took out special handcuffs and cuffed Zoom. "Speedster gets cuffs? Like seriously?" Nova asked. "These are special cuffs. He can't use his powers with these on." Impulse replied.

"It's quite strange there is almost no villain here. Only a big mess." Spider-Man said and tapped his chin. "Typical for League of Assasins. Is everyone in one piece?" Robin asked realising the villans' plan. "From what I can see I say yes. I can't see anyone down." Fury replied. "You have the wrong information. Their goal was not to make only a mess. It never is. Your computers?" Robin replied. Fury's expression suddenly harden and he reached to his ear communicator. "Hill, any intruders from the cyber way?" silence.

No one wanted to wait for the answers and run inside the control centre. The whole room was a mess, a few dead agents lay on destroyed computers and on the floor. The rest of the agents were alive but were tied and unconscious. Fury shook with his second in command until she opened her eyes. "What happened here, Hill?" he asked. Agent Hill was confused for a few seconds before she remembered. "Some ninjas attacked us. Smoke was everywhere. I couldn't see the top of my nose." she said.

"Was anyone uninvited here except the ninjas?" Robin asked resting his arms on his hips. Agent Hill looked up at the boy. "Yes, two men. One of them had a green and golden robe. Another one had green hair, white skin and purple clothes." she described the villains simply. Impulse looked at Robin and Robin returned the look. "Who are they?" Fury asked. "That one with a green robe is Ra's al Ghul, leader of League of Shadows, those are the ninjas who attacked your ship. And the second one is Joker, a mad clown. Gotham's most dangerous villain." Robin explained.

"Oh, only of Gotham. Ha, guess the boy already forgotten about our little secret." came high pitched voice echoing the room. Robin immediately took out his bo staff and looked around. Everyone else tensed even Fury. "Behave if you see green gas, I don't have enough antibodies for the entire ship," Robin said. "What is green gas?" Iron Fist asked. "It's called the laughing gas. It causes you to die of laughter, literally. It's not a nice experience." Robin explained.

"Third Boy Blunder! Such a black sheep of the Bat's little cute family," Joker sang, and Robin flinched and tighten his grip on the staff, "my bad! It's not Bat's family anymore since the old man is about to get buried a few meters below the grass. Hope the worms will have to enjoy full dinner!" the clown teased. "Stop it!" Robin snapped, and Spider-Man and his team changed worried and confused looks. "Don't be like that, JJ! Arkham and the Bat made such a nasty boy out of you." Joker replied faking his pain. "I am not your little puppet anymore!" Robin yelled and took a step back almost hitting Impulse in the process. "Ah, that hurt, JJ. Just like the sign on my chest. Remember that? I will never forgive you that, no cake for you!" Joker hissed angrily.

Suddenly a tall man in green and golden robes walked out of nowhere into the centre of the room right in front of the group of young heroes followed by the clown-like man. "You see, detective. It was not hard to infiltrate your lines to get the closest to Batman to destroy him. He's the second father you lost if I am right, which I am. Please, Mr Allen, come." Robin's eyes widen and he turned to Impulse. "Impulse? What... What is he talking about?" he hiccuped. Impulse looked guilty but without a word, he walked up to Ra's. "Our speedster friend helped us a lot, detective. And your feelings made you so blind." Ra's said and laid a hand on Impulse's shoulder. "But... Why? Impulse why?!" Robin cried out the pain in his heart started to get unbearable. "He betrayed you for his own good, detective. Now, when it's all over, plus your pity relationship, we make our leave." Ra's spoke up and he and Impulse disappeared in a cloud of dark grey smoke.

Way home (DC and MARVEL crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ