Coffee Shop

640 17 2

Gender Neutral Reader

TW: None
Coffee Shop AU
No quirks
Iida has aged up in this oneshot (Iida's like 24 and you're 21 or something)

Iida POV

I slammed my hand down onto the alarm clock and groaned. I sighed as I checked the clock, blinked, then checked my phone to make sure I wasn't seeing things. The local Miyagi news reported that the power lines had gone out again and reset the times on every clock in the city, so instead of it being 5 AM on the dot like the clock should've been set to, it was actually 3:27 AM. 'Too early...' I thought as I swung my legs tiredly over the side of the bed and dragged one hand through my messy bed-head of hair. My slippers were on the floor by the bed, so I slipped them on and trudged to the bathroom that was outside of my bedroom door. I grabbed my blue toothbrush and mint toothpaste and started freshening up, which surprisingly didn't work today. I grumbled to myself as I wrestled with the buttons on my shirt, the buckle of my suit-pants, and fumbled with the knot of my tie, which was usually pristine.

I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before taking the elevator down from my penthouse suite to the 4-story garage down below. I clicked the unlock button on my car keys and watched the headlights flash in recognition before walking towards it, yawning. The navy blue Lamborghini Sían Roadster was waiting for me, and as I approached it, the door opened and I stepped into the car. I yawned again as I pulled out of the garage and started driving towards the office, but remembered that it was barely 4:30 AM, and the office wouldn't open for another few hours. I found an almost-empty parking lot where a small coffee shop stood, it's neon lights flickering slightly. I put the hood up on my car and locked it securely before placing the keys very carefully into my pocket and walking inside before stopping dead.

Behind the counter was the most gorgeous person I had ever laid eyes on, and they were snoozing lightly on their right palm, head nodding slightly and their eyes drooping. Their (s/c) skin was clear and smooth-looking, while their (h/c) hair gently fluttered in front of their face, the wind from the door slightly ruffling the strands, disturbing them from an otherwise frozen scene. I woke myself up from my trance and tapped them on the shoulder. They yawned and my heart thumped loudly in my chest as they looked up at me with bleary eyes. Their eyes instantly widened and they stood up pin straight. "Good morning sir, how can I help~" they quickly stifled a yawn behind their hand and I chuckled slightly. "Oh, um I'm sorry," the gorgeous person in front of me sighed and flopped forward, groaning, "I am so fired," I pulled out my wallet and said, "May I please order the Americano, plain black, with a creamer on the side and two sugar cubes?"

Their eyes widened and they nodded before running to the machine in the back to make my order. "Feel free to sit down, sir," they called as the rumbling of the ancient coffee machine filled the silent shop. "Do you have any pastries or food?" I called back to them as they poked their head around the corner. "Oh, yes we do! Croissants, cakes, eclairs, cream puffs, and doughnuts!" "May I please take two of each?" I requested and they blinked. "You never really struck me as a sweets person, but yeah, sure! Coming right up!" They flitted back to the machine and finished up my coffee before bringing it over to me and placing it in front of me with two sugar cubes and a cream cup. "I'll be right out with the pastries!" they ran back to the counter and pulled out fresh goods from several ovens lined up against the walls.

"Did you make all of those?" I asked, stunned at the smaller person as they expertly piled up all of the goods onto plates and tottered over carefully, making sure to get all of the pastries and goods to safety. "Yep! I make them every day! I work the night shifts and the noon shifts because I live on the floor above in a small apartment." They pointed at the ceiling and grinned. "Oh, wow. I run a business but the power cut out so I woke up two hours earlier than normal." I sipped at my coffee before deeming the sugar and the cream useless as the coffee was delicious without them. "You're talented. This coffee is amazing!" I immediately felt better and continued drinking the coffee, bringing out the pastries and offering some to the young worker in front of me. "Eat. God knows you need it, too. You must be starving after staying awake all night at this shop." Their eyes sparkled but quickly dimmed. "N-no, I couldn't possibly-" "Take it." I stated again, cutting them off as I shoved one of each pastry into their arms and they muttered a quick "Itadakimasu" before ripping into the croissant with gusto, suddenly realizing they were in the presence of someone, "G-g-gomen!" They squeaked before I noticed a few crumbs on the corner of their mouth.

Tenya Iida Oneshots (cause he needs love and I love him ;3) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now