Requested: Sparkplug (Iida x Fem! Reader)

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@SkylarNightz 's request for a post:

Y/n Kaminari (twins), Vice Class Representetive Scenario: Y/n tries to stop Kaminari from doing something stupid and you can continue from there :)

Thanks for the first request I've ever gotten for a book :D

Desc: Y/n Kaminari- Twin Sister to Denki Kaminari. The brain to his brawn, the stable spark to his 'wheeeeeey', the zap to his bolt. They're inseparable. However... Denki is stupid a lot of the time and Y/n keeps getting hurt because of it.

Quirk: Shockwave- Her quirk is electricity, but she can control the frequency and painfulness of each shock, unlike her twin. She usually uses it by sending out a strong wave of electricity and lightning around her, which explosively expands outwards at a rapid pace, leaving many-a-fried enemies in her wake.

Physical Appearance: (Sorry about this, but since you're Kaminari's twin, I'm giving y'all an appearance)

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Inverse of Kaminari's (So jet black with a yellow lightning bolt)
Eyes: Black with a yellow lightning pupil
Skin: choose one- Pale
or Tanned
Body Type: Toned and athletic with wide shoulders, a small waist, and long legs
Accessories: Double pierced on each ear with an industrial bar on the left and 2 cartilage hoops on the right; eyebrow piercing with an eyebrow slit in a bolt of lightning, large circular glasses.
Makeup: Winged eyeliner, mascara, falsies, and powder foundation (You don't have acne in this world)

Personality: Smart, Class Vice President, number 1 student, fat crush on Iida.

Oh yeah... and she has a short temper... probably why Bakugo actually doesn't mind her presence.


That was how Denki Kaminari was woken up on the first morning of Spring Break. He opened his eyes to see his twin sister Y/n, looking extremely disgruntled and electrocuted. "YOU BLITHERING IDIOT! STOP ELECTROCUTING ME IN YOUR SLEEP!" She curled her hand into a fist and sent a semi-powered shockwave towards his face, which blew up as he short-circuited. 'Wheeeeeeey,' said Denki as his brain went numb for the Nth time that week. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose tightly, rubbing soothing circles on it from where the electrical current had conducted through her glasses and burnt the flesh on her nose.

The Kaminari twins shared a dorm at UA. Denki, the older of the two, wasn't able to control his quirk in his sleep, and as a result, poor Y/n was left to die </3 (jk... just get unpleasantly disturbed from the zone while they worked)

Y/n, though younger than Denki, was the more responsible and level-headed one, often correcting the frequent mistakes that Denki makes that usually leaves at least one person twitching for the rest of the day.

Y/n sighed again and silently cursed their teacher, Mr. Aizawa, for putting them in the same dorm. Though, she could understand why he did so. She was probably there to make sure Kaminari wouldn't permanently damage his brain and be late for class or something.

Y/n stretched and grabbed a small bag of her cosmetic products before trudging out of the dorm room and to the bathroom. Usually, when she did this it would be 5 in the morning. She'd change, work out at 6, make sure to be back by 6:30 for a quick shower and breakfast by 7. By 7:15 she was usually walking to the classroom with Iida, who insisted on being at least 30 minutes early.

Tenya Iida Oneshots (cause he needs love and I love him ;3) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now