I'm back so here's an angst (open this one!)

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Sorry I feel sad feels todeh :')

Iida x GN!Reader


Quirk: Winged Victory- Basically you have all of the powers of Nike, the ancient Greek goddess of Victory, which consists of being able to fly (with wings), the power of speed, proficiency with Greek armor and weapons, and the ability to boost the chance of success by 50% in a one-on-one battle.

Critical Move/Endgame for someone dangerous: Sacrificial Victory- you sacrifice yourself to eternally protect the people you love/do this in front of, and go full god mode, which unlocks every aspect of a god, including the True Form. Human bodies can't handle the strain, so when you've defeated the problem, you become really unstable to the point where you could die within seconds or minutes. Death is the most common ending, but sometimes you go into comatose for a long time. When you're asleep, you can't age, so you're immortal in sleep, then when you wake up (usually decades later), you're the same mental age and physical age as when you went to sleep. In rare cases, there's reincarnation, where the user is reborn from their ashes from the age they died, but this is only if they wish to be cremated.

Statistics: (They triple when the quirk is activated at full power)

Power- 5/5 or 15/5

Speed- 6/5 or 18/5

Luck- 4/5 or 12/5

Intelligence- 4/5 or 12/5

Stamina- 5/5 or 15/5

Hero name: (choose one) - Nike, Victoire, Power Angel, or come up with your own :3

3:17 AM - Thursday Morning - UA 3rd year dorms.

Tenya Iida was exhausted, yet wide awake. Quite unlike his usual self, who normally went to bed before 10 PM every night. Nobody made any noise, yet the tension in the dorms was almost tangible. Although everyone was silent, nobody really understood how Iida was feeling. 

After all, how could they? It wasn't their significant other who had died.

His eyes were puffy and red, glossy in the reflection of the phone light as he scrolled through his phone in pain. Missed messages, phone calls, and old pictures of him with his loyal and beautiful partner. He winced as his thumb moved up yet again and glanced at the puddle of blood dripping from the numerous deep gouges on his wrists, soaking the sheets and pillows. He made no attempt to stop the bleeding. 'After all,' he thought, 'It's better this way'. His eyes were milked dry, skin red from the trails of salt that burned his skin raw, yet still glistening with the fresh tears that never seemed to end.

Three weeks prior - Thursday - 8:27 PM

"Tenya! I brought you some beef stew!"

Y/n giggled as they set down a bag from the nearby takeout place that sold foods from around the world. Tenya was hunched over his desk, hair rumpled and glasses askew as he rubbed his eyes for the umpteenth time. "Thanks, darling. Can you please be quiet? I'm studying for our exam next week." Y/n deflated a little bit. They knew how important grades were to Iida, but they just wanted to relax with their partner on this particularly cold night. "C'mon, please just cuddle me for a bit?" Y/n made a pouty face at Iida, but Iida just scoffed in frustration. "Look, if you're going to continue to be a nuisance, you can just leave."

Tenya Iida Oneshots (cause he needs love and I love him ;3) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now