"Sure I need a disguise too we don't want a stampede of fan girls" Hawks chuckled as Dabi rolled his eyes and slapped the back of his head.ow.

When they arrived at the ice-cream shop the few people in the shop gave them suspicious looks but didn't think twice of it.

"Coffee-flavored." Dabi stated.

"I didn't even ask but Ok Dabi wants coffee what do you want Toga?" Hawks asked.

"Bubblegum lots of sprinkles and strawberry sauce and flake!" Toga squealed happily drooling slightly.

"Sure and Izu what about you?" Hawks asked.

"I want..... I don't know!" Izuku said indecisevely.

"How about Vanilla?" Hawks suggested

"Vanilla is lame." Dabi rolled his eyes.

"Oi I like vanilla!" Hawks pouted angrily.

"That explains everything." Dabi said savagely smirking slightly.

"If I got vanilla it has a good source of vitamins pacifically A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E hmmmm also providing lottta energy, sweet refweshing and makes blanched diet and only 205 calories......" Izuku continued mumbling deciding what to choose also slightly scaring a few customers around him.

"Izuku it's fine just choose that one." Dabi pointed to a cookie and cream flavored one with rainbow bits.

"Oh ok nii-Chan!" Izuku said loudly smiling whilst the whole shop awed at him and Dabi tried to disappear. It wasn't really working.

"I'll get that one too!" Hawks said and proceeded to order their ice-creams.

They walked out of the shop and decided to sit on an  abandoned  bench nearby when a slight gust of wind blew and knocked Izuku's ice-cream out of his hand.

"Le gasp!" Toga said dramatically .

Izuku started to tear up, "nii-Chan t-the ground t-took my I-I-ice cweam ." Izuku sniffled.

"How dare the ground take my Izu's ice-cream." Dabi said a little too seriously it made Toga shiver.

"Here Izuku you can take mine." Hawks said passing his ice-cream to Izuku.

"Bad ground give me my ice-cweam!" Izuku said refusing Hawks' offer kneeling down on the floor slapping the ground.

"Give Izu back his ice-cream." Dabi monotoned but joined Izuku and stomped on the ground angrily.

"Yea the ground is a meanie." Toga said jumping up and down pouting.

Hawks sighed.

"Izuku here I'm sure just take mine I don't mind." Hawks smiled bending down to the boys height and putting the ice-cream in his hands.

"Hawks-San Thank chuuu!" Izuku said finally taking the ice-cream and licking it happily.

Dabi picked the boy up on his shoulders so he could lick his own ice-cream.

After they had finished, Dabi told Kurogiri their location to pick them up and kurogiri opened a portal up for the trio.

"Bai bai Hawks-San!" Izuku waves his chubby little hands at Hawks.

"Bye!" Hawks smiled.

"I will practice reawwwwyyyy hard with my flying so I can be like you!" Izuku said squeezing his fists together and flashing a cute smile.

"I'm sure you'll be even better than me!" Hawks said.

"That's already a fact." Dabi said.

"Shut up!" Hawks said.

"Bye hawks thx for the ice-cream~"Toga giggled.

"Bye." Hawks replied and with that they left.

Little did they know.

Someone was watching.

Sup peoples how are you all?

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Sup peoples how are you all?

Hope u like the update, cause ya girl is supposed to be revising for physics and here she is!



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