-Start Over-

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After talking and laughing with your brother, You went back to the Homestead and collapsed on your hammock

You were about to sleep when someone rocked your hammock making you grip on its sides and sat up...

You were annoyed when you saw Newt chuckling clearly trying not to laugh out loud "What do you want?" you asked through gritted teeth making him serious again and you somehow hated yourself for being the reason to make his smile vanish

"Sleeping again? You still haven't finished the basket" you rolled your eyes and laid back down, placing your arm over your eyes "Do it yourself, Alby allowed me to sleep" there was silence and you smiled,thinking he's gone but...nope...he pushed you off your hammock and you fell to the ground, luckily ,feet first

"Bloody Hell! What's wrong with you?!" You yelled at him,pissed

"Get Up" he said

You stood up and glared at him with such intensity but he didn't flinch "You know what? If you hate me that much, fine, but will you please send someone else to fetch me next time?"

He frowned "I don't hate you"

You scoffed "Yeah right"

"No, seriously Y/N, I don't hate you..." he wiped his face with his hand and looked away "Sorry"

"For what?"

"For making you feel like I hate you" he says and it surprised you

"Fine, I'll just let you sleep" he was about to walk out but you felt guilty for upsetting him so you grabbed his wrist and turned him around to face you

"okay, sorry for yelling, I didn't mean to upset you...I just really wanna sleep cause I honestly didn't sleep when I was in the maze" you say and you didn't notice that your still holding his wrist

"It's okay....how about we start over?" he suggested with a smirk and you can't help but smile

"Friends?" you ask

He chuckled and slid his wrist out of your grip to hold your hand and shake it once "Friends"


You woke up in the middle in the night, thirsty...You stood up and walked towards the 'kitchen' but saw no water making you groan...you wanna drink already so you can just go back to sleep

You looked around once more when somebody cleared his throat making you squeal and grab the frying pan on the table and pointed it to the person

"Whoa! Whoa! I thought we're cool!"

"Newt! Don't scare me like that!" you placed the frying pan back on the table and wiped your face with your hands, trying calm your nerves

"Sorry, why are you awake?" he asks walking closer to you

"I'm thirsty...do you have a drink?" he smirked "Perfect timing, Here" he hands you a bottle of brownish water and you frowned,

"What's this?"

"Just drink it"

You hesitated but drank it anyway...but before you could swallow, you immediately spit it out with a disgusted look on your face and it made Newt laugh

"What the hell is this?! It tastes terrible!" you handed the bottle back to him trying to forget the horrible taste

"Gally made it, I don't really know what this is"

"And you're drinking it? You're disgusting!" you said turning away from him

"Hey, going back to sleep already?"

You shook your head in annoyance "I'm too awake to sleep again now, no thanks to you"

"Great! We can sit by the fire and chat"

You were about to protest but he was already pulling you to the fire and you guys talked and talked and you found it fun actually....After a few hours of babbling, you fell asleep on his shoulder and before you really dozed off, you felt his head on yours

His Greenie (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now