-Stubborn and Sick-

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I woke up early than usual and walked towards the garden…and there, I saw Newt sitting on the grass rubbing his temples

“Hey, Newt, you okay?” I asked once I got there, “Honestly, no…I’m having a bloody headache right now” I held back a giggle, he doesn’t remember that he’s so drunk and acted like a lunatic last night…and he doesn’t remember what he said to me, is that a good thing?

I frowned at the thought…why did I even believe him? he wasn’t himself last night…” How about you go to the medjacks then?” He shook his head immediately “No need, I can manage, besides, you might do something stupid when I’m away”

This made me roll my eyes,so much for being concerned “Suit yourself”


Newt is so stubborn so I went to Clint to ask for some medicines for Newt to take…After getting what I needed, I immediately went straight to Newt’s hut…since it’s already dark, the gladers are in their hammocks resting

I knocked on Newt’s door not wanting to invade his privacy…”Who is it?” I hear him ask…I cleared my throat “It’s me Newt, May I come in?” “Oh, okay”

I pushed the door open only to see him on his hammock, shivering…I closed the door gently and rushed to his side, I placed my hand on his forehead hesitantly when I immediately jerked it back..”Bloody Hell! You’re burning up!”

He sniffed and frowned, “It’s nothing serious, I can handle this” I frowned and grabbed a piece of cloth I found on top of his chair and soaked it with water…too bad it isn’t warm…this would have to do

I was about to place it on his forehead when he inched away “What are you doing? I said I can handle it” I rolled my eyes in annoyance “That’s what you said earlier and it made matters worst, don’t be so stubborn and let me help”

He muttered something under his breath but I just ignored it and placed the wet cloth on his forehead…I wiped his neck, arms and face…I was about to wipe his legs but I suddenly felt awkward about it…he is a guy

I cleared my throat and handed the cloth to him…”I need you to wipe your legs, I have to go get your medicines” He took it and just nodded, but before I turned, I swear I saw him smirk

After drinking the medicines I prepared, I tucked him to bed and sat down on his chair next to his hammock…I let out a yawn making Newt turn to me…he smiled and I just smiled back “Thank You for all this” he said, his voice soft…”You’re welcome” and then there was silence

“Uh…Is it okay with you if you could spend the night here?” he asks breaking the silence and making me surprised…I blinked several times, am I asleep already and dreaming all this? “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to” I immediately shook my head “No, no, it’s okay…I can stay here with you…looks like you need assistance” he smiled at that

After a few more minutes, I heard Newt snoring softly and I walked closer to examine his sleeping face…he looks so angelic and innocent, why is it that when we sleep, we look so much better?

I rubbed my eyes, feeling really sleepy, so I went back to his chair and then, eventually dozed off.

His Greenie (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now