Before I could even think, they left the room, locking the door with my key. I was stuck.

"No.. please.. you don't understand..!" I started shaking helplessly, my breath hitching as I spoke. "PLEASE!! LET ME GO!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AT ALL- PLEASE!! I BEG YOU!!" Tears welled up in my eyes as I yelled at nothing. They wouldn't let me go after what I did. Kokichi. All I could do was pray someone else would do it before-.. that..

Kokichi POV:
Soon after Shuichi was dragged away, I pulled myself together and left the lab as well, walking back to the dining hall like nothing had happened. Everyone was still there. I guess everything that just happened was faster than it seemed. Of course, Tenko, Miu and Shuichi weren't there. I felt worried, I didn't know what they would do to him. It was only then that I realised Gonta and Kaito were also missing from the group.

"Hey!" I rested my hands on the back of my head to seem less shaken, "where's Gonta and Kaito?" Everyone turned to me as if I had just yelled the worst insult imaginable.

Himiko spoke first. "Nyeh? Why do you want to know?"

"No reason! I just wanted to mess with them!"

The creepy mask guy, I never bothered to remember his name, spoke next. "Now is not the time for that. They are currently busy." I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"What are they busy with?"

"They are helping Tenko to restrain Shuichi right now." Tsumugi pointed out. I froze, but only for a moment.

"They're not going to hurt him, are they?" I tried not to sound worried, but my voice still shook as I spoke. Luckily, no one seemed to notice.

Ryoma stood up, although I didn't notice a difference because of his height. "Why do you care? You never seemed to care before."

"Why do you care if I do shortass?"

Maki rolled her eyes, "After what he did, I would be surprised if they didn't. If they don't, I will."

I lowered my arms in pure fear for Shuichi. "It's not like all of you wouldn't have done the same!!" I lost my cool. "Kaede just died! I'm sure Shuichi's fucking broken! Plus the fact he's had a whole motive used on him, you all would've been in the same position!" Everybody went quiet, some with looks of shock, some feeling bad and the others glaring at me, although that was mainly Maki.

"Kokichi please-" Before Kirumi could finish, I stormed out of the room, my breath hitching without me knowing. No one followed, not like expected them to. It's like they don't understand the pain of wanting to escape. Like they think all of us are equally calm. Living a fucking dream..

I started wandering down the hallway, rubbing my eyes with my sleeve and holding my head, messing up my hair in the process. I don't know why I was so worked up. I didn't care about what they did to Shuichi! Right..?

As I was walking, I saw out of the corner of my eyes, Tenko, Gonta and Kaito leave Shuichi's room, slamming the door behind them. They must have left Shuichi in there. Was he hurt? Did they do something to him?! I began thinking of the worst, scared for what they had done. Without thinking, I ran up to the three and put on my facade before they saw me.

"Heeeyy you guys! What were you doing in Shumai's room huh?" They all looked at me in equal disgust, the same look they always gave at the sight of me.

Gonta was the only one who spoke. "Gonta and friends were just tying up friend Shuichi!" Tying?!

"Gonta! You can't just tell him that! He'll probably take advantage of Shuichi!" Kaito lightly hit Gonta's shoulder.

"Oh.. Gonta sorry.."

"Ooo! Kinky! Can I go see him?" Tenko didn't like that.

"What are you planning to do to him, degenerate?! You better not take advantage of his vulnerable position!"

"Naaah! I just wanna make fun of him!"

"Gonta doesn't think we should let him in there.."

"Me neither! Knowing him he'll hurt my sidekick for nothing!"

Tenko rolled her eyes. "Always so violent. You're all the same." She then looked at me. "I'm not letting you in there. We know what you're like."

I thought for a moment and smirked, having a plan. "Don't you need someone to watch him? So he doesn't escape and go on another killing spree?" Tenko looked as though she was about to shut me down, but I continued before she could. "I can watch him! I know none of you want to do it and you don't want to deal with me! Kill two birds with one stone!"

"Give us a second." Kaito pulled the other two away so I couldn't hear them. They all mumbled together for a moment before turning back to me.

"Fine. We will let you guard Shuichi. But I swear." Tenko got close to me, grabbing my scarf, "if you let him go, you'll be the next one tied up." She then let go and stepped away.

"Nishishi! Don't worry! I'll make sure those ropes are tighter than Byakuya Togami's ass!" They seemed to have no idea who I was talking about, and honestly (for once) neither did I.

Tenko took the key out of her shirt and I reluctantly took it, not knowing what it had touched.
"Again. Do. Not. Let. Him. Out."

"Roger that! You can count on me!" They then left back to the dining hall. I smirked as I looked at the key, uncrossing my fingers from behind my back.

"Time to go see Shumai.."

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