Nakomoto Yuta As Your Boyfriend

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- takoyaki prince yutaaa
- this man is just so beautiful * whoever gets to be with him is one lucky person
- anyway yuta is a very manly man ya know
- he looks manly he sometimes acts manly
- he has it all
- he's also a little TEASER
- he would tease you 25/7
- he'd say something like " Awee is y/n sad that I didn't give her kisses" ? He'd grin at you and all.
- you'd just roll your eyes at him in response and he'd just laugh it off
- Dominance
- I think yuta wants to be the more dominant one in the relationship
- he won't be overly controlling but he would still want you to confine him in some of your decisions
- he wants to take good care of you, but he also wants to lead the relationship
- he's very protective of you and over you
- If someone threatens your relationship he'll defend your relationship no matter what
- but If someone dares to harm you in anyway let's hope they can run as fast as they can blink
- don't mess with this man's loved ones or you'll end up DEAD * not even kidding
- yuta is another member who worships their s/o to no end
- he really really loves telling you how cute, pretty, gorgeous, beautiful and sexy you are. * I get it not everyone prefers to be sexy or is but still
- if you two were going on a date he'll watch you get ready
- he stands at the door and admires you while you finish getting ready
- " you are absolutely beautiful, did you know that babe." ? he'd cock his head to the side, slightly smirking at you.
- you'd nod and respond with " yes I know thank you for acknowledging my beauty, handsome." you'd look at him with a wide smile across your face.
- yuta just can't help it but love you for who you are
- when he's not teasing you he'll be admiring you and thinking to himself how he got so lucky to have you as his one and only lover
- talks about you a lot to the other members
- " I love my baby so much she's just so cute and lovable."
- he'd show pictures he took of you to to the other members
- " isn't she cute" ? he asks while smiling happily * he's just a happy boy
- yuta can never get enough of you he just really loves you
- he tells you he loves you quite frequently
- you're sleeping ? he'll whisper that he loves you, you're sitting ? tells you he loves you, you're doing chores ? he'll also tell you he loves you.
- he's definitely whipped for you
- if he can't be with you he texts, calls and video calls you
- smiles and laughs a lot during calls lol
- like to flirt with you a lot even though you're both dating lol
- " wow who's girlfriend is this" ? he'll joke with you which catches you off guard.
- " w-what" ? you asked with a confused expression.
- " looks like you don't have a boyfriend so can I take you on a date" ? he says with a playful smile on his lips.
- you roll your eyes at him, " no you can't because I do have a boyfriend and he'll kill your for sure."
- he laughed at your words and suddenly hugged you tightly. " that's my girl." he whispers as he plants a peck onto your forehead.
- still confused you just laugh off his random action
- loves to see your flustered over him
- comes with teasing like I've mentioned before
- he'll say things and sometimes they're inappropriate * I'm sorry but don't give me shit for this
- you just turn red really quickly when he says things he's not supposed to say and for some reason he just loves it ??
- but it could also be something simple like " you look really pretty like always."
- you'll start blushing from his compliment and thank him which he'll obviously loves
- Next up is arguments
- honestly for yuta he's a softie, but not when he's angry
- I can see him being a bit short tempered in a way
- I don't think he's abusive or anything like that * geez he would never be that way towards you or anyone in general
- yet if you both got into a heated argument he'll probably be shouting throughout it
- which made you really scared one time, so you ignored him for a week straight
- at first he didn't care since he was still salty about the argument
- but as the days went by you just kept ignoring him and he couldn't cope with it anymore
- so on one regular week day he decided to pull you back to have a talk with you
- " why are you ignoring me like this it hurts." he'd say with a hurt expression on his face.
- you looked at him with the saddest pair of eyes you've ever shown him and told him nervously, " I was scared of you that other time, but only because you were shouting..."
- after finding out the truth he would try to comfort you with gentle kisses and cuddles
- and ofc he'd apologize to you many times * way more than he should lol
- alright away from the negative side onto happy moments lol
- loves cuddles anywhere and anytime * he's up for it literally anytime
- he's the big spoonie but also enjoys it if you hold him
- sometimes he likes to lay his head on your shoulder, chest and lap.
- his favorite place to rest his head is your lap though
- yuta wants to see your face, but still wants to be close to you so that would make sense on his end
- he always tries to say goodnight and gives you sweet light kisses
- especially because those kisses from him makes you laugh and smile
- he just wants you to be happy no matter what
- yuta is one whipped man for whoever he dates so be prepared
- byee see y'all next time

 - his favorite place to rest his head is your lap though - yuta wants to see your face, but still wants to be close to you so that would make sense on his end- he always tries to say goodnight and gives you sweet light kisses - especially because...

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Oh he's just so ethereal this pretty boy
Hey guys I'm back with another member for the boyfriend series and if you've made it this far it's yuta. I did this for all the yuta stans out there. Let's face it we can't deny the fact that this man is freaking beautiful. It's currently 5' o clock in the morning atm, so please forgive me for any missed errors..
Stay safe and like always thank you for reading my writing even if it's kinda trash lol ? Byeee guys ! - AUT

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