Moon Taeil Confessing To You

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- taeil is one quiet person yet if he liked you he'd be very sweet and gentle towards you
- always helping you out with anything and everything
- a proper gentleman
- he would be nervous to confess to you * he's primarily just shy
- like very, very shy
- but like really in all honesty he will be very sincere when he's about to confess
- " hey, I um think that you deserve to know that I've always liked you." He would simply say, shyly. * what a relief for taeil
- you would be sort of shocked, but more at the fact that he chose to confess so suddenly at this exact time rather than to be surprise that he liked you
- let's be honest the members have been giving you hints about their eldest hyung liking you
- " ah really you do" ? you would ask quietly. patiently waiting for his response.
- but he'll just admit that he likes you again and it's not some joke or prank he's playing with you
- he just genuinely likes you and just from his subtle actions you'll know and you should accept it * if you like him return lol
- " well then I like you very much back moon taeil." you smiled softly and took his hands into your own.
- he was smiling like an idiot and was definitely glad that you felt the same way back in return. * the happiness he was experiencing from the inside was so blissful
- that once in a lifetime kind of feeling * perhaps love ? lol
- so fluffy and cute, right ? I know * just imagine
- anyways I don't see taeil as the type to be all over you after confessing
- of course he'd be open to it once you both start dating, but after confessing I don't see it really
- sorry
- If there was any kind of skinship that's initiated it would most likely be initiated by you first
- however if he did initiate skinship with you he'd keep it subtle like hand holding or having his arm over your shoulder from time to time
- he'd be very gentle towards you and you know it
- a whole gentlemen also like johnny, but wouldn't flirt and kinda shy about it since he's introverted
- don't let the boy fool you though he is quiet af but he's lowkey a savage
- love him right and he'll treat you right * respect
- respect him, his members, family and friends. * also keep in mind treat people how they treat you
- he'll also respect you of course * but if he doesn't why would you even get yourself involved with him ?
- anyways I'm sure he's really polite anyway lol
- literally * I'm not kidding respect would probably be a major thing for him * so have a heart if not on the outside then the inside.

Overall Moon Taeil is very sweet, kind hearted and a really thoughtful person in general

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Overall Moon Taeil is very sweet, kind hearted and a really thoughtful person in general. He's respectable in any form possible because he has good manners. And he's the man of your dreams. He would want you to respect him as much as he respects you, which is probably more than enough respect anyone could ever get from a person. He's totally head over heels for you and you feel the same in return. The other members would love you as well because you're just that amazing and incredible. They're happy that their eldest hyung finally found someone who loves him, dearly.

Sorry guys I'm back after such a long time... I was debating if I should continue this book or not because I was feeling a bit unmotivated, but one of my great friends encouraged me a lot so a big thank you to her and her very kind words. You know who you are. But yess did I just hit y'all with the moon ? I certainly just did. See what I did there lol ? Hope you guys enjoyed this one especially taeil stans. Stay safe always and remember that I love you all. :) - AUT

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