Announcement ;)

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Hey, guys, it's me. I wanted to let you guys know that I'm starting to write a new reaction. I haven't updated in quite a while because of school. I've just been so busy and tired. I'm excited about this since I haven't gotten the chance to write something in a while. I'll try to finish it as soon as I can, so please stay tuned! We're at 7k and I'm so glad and grateful for all the reads and votes I've received for this book.
I didn't think much of it when I decided to write this book and I was scared that not even one person would be interested in my writing and would read this book, but I was proven wrong. So really thank you lovelies! I love you all so much and if you guys ever need someone to talk to I'm here or you can get in touch with me on my Instagram. Bye! Have a good day/night. :)

Instagram: @optimist_markiee

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