Lee Taeyong As Your Boyfriend

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- taeyong is so soft like * almost baby like
- but not at the same time
- in between a man and a baby * kinda, don't be offended
- he's not baby like where he wants you to do everything for him
- he's just really soft and all * radiates big baby energy like we all know
- but probably the opposite of that he'd want to do everything for you
- CHORES ???
- you would forget about the word chores if you ever started dating him lol
- dishes ? he gets done. laundry ? done by him, cleaning the whole apartment ? he does it, cooking ? he does it all.
- and it's not like you haven't offered to help him at all he just decides to do it by himself
- and when you do try to help he'll be like " it's okay you should rest." even if you literally just woke up from a nap lmaoo
- when you try to cook even if you're skilled at it he'll probably stop you if he was around
- " you can go sit I'll do it instead." then gives you a quick peck on the forehead * lowkey does that so you won't get mad at him
- maybe because one time you both got into a huge argument about him always trying to take over and do everything by himself
- that made him so emotional that he couldn't even think anymore tbh
- he cried that time though
- it was all very heartbreaking for the both of you * so no more arguments okay ?
- taeyong is also very emotional * I've mentioned it before in the confessing series
- this baby * man is also sensitive
- If you didn't pay attention to him or ignored him without any reasons he could think of
- he'd probably over think the situation and sometimes he even cries
- he doesn't understand why, so if you're somehow upset or angry with him
- just be honest with him and tell him
- but if there's nothing wrong you should reassure him
- ty sometimes doubts himself and would need your reassurance for comfort
- if you told him things like " you're going to be fine and by the time you know it you'll be okay", " you don't have to always be perfect, but you should always stay true to yourself", don't worry too much, you'll always have me with you."
- sorry got too carried away :)
- and he's another respectful guy
- he also holds your things for you, wants to do almost everything for you
- would also respect your decisions though
- if you didn't want him doing stuff for you all the time you both would find a balance
- with his busy schedule
- you always make sure he's eating well and resting whenever he gets the chance to
- you're mostly worried for him and if he's being overworked or not
- if he can't see you he'll text you when he can
- sometimes talks about how much he appreciates you and how much he misses you
- you always text him for him to take good care of himself
- sometimes he doesn't answer quick enough so you kinda just wait but also worry about his whereabouts
- yet you are understanding enough to not blow up his phone 25/7 * hopefully
- moving onnnn
- he worships/adores you like a lot
- he says things like " she's the best person for me there's no one else better than her for me." " shes beautiful the way she is and she should never change the way she looks." " I just really love her for who she is, that's all."
- Cuddles ??
- he is one NEEDY man
- he will probably initiate most of the cuddles half of the time
- if you're doing something he'll come up from behind you and embrace you
- " you scared me, taeyong." you'd gasped and he'd just smile at you while pulling you closer towards him. " I want cuddles, baby." he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck as he sways the both of you side to side.
- " what if I don't want to cuddle with you" ? you'd joke with him
- he'd start to pout like the big baby he is and stay silent
- you then turn around and attack him with multiple kisses around his face " kidding let's go cuddle now you big baby." you'd grab his hand and he gives you a grin as the both of you head to the bedroom to cuddle
- BUT anyways
- ty cooks for you a lot though even when he's exhausted and even when you tell him not to
- he can't help it *thats what he tells you lol
- you two would cook and bake together when you're both not busy
- probably throws flour at each other a lot until you both are tired out
- I'm gonna stop there with the flour mess * forgive me
- okay but he will always tell you that he loves you
- will expect you to say I love you back since he's needy af lol
- jealous taeyong
- he can be a bit scary cause of his facial expressions whenever he's jealous
- but on the inside he's just sulks and stays quiet
- unless someone is trying to touch you or makes you uncomfortable he will speak up
- " clearly she has a boyfriend and that's me, so you can go run along with your terrible flirting skills." he'd snap at the person who was attempting to get your number right in front of him.
- never really argues with you and just stays silent if he is upset with you
- but since he's kinda sensitive be careful with your choice of words
- and honestly he'll just need some reassurance from you * in general
- kisses ???
- anyways those lips of his could be put to good use for make out sessions * ahem taeyong
- he probably loves making out * who knows lol
- when he initiates the kiss it probably starts off slow and gentle, but when things start heating up
- he'll start using his tongue kissing you a bit rough * sigh don't give me shit for this
- but one thing he does is makes random noises lol * have you seen his lives ?
- gosh he'd look so adorable and you just can't help it but kiss him * taeyong is a babyyyy
- never ever lets you go while you're cuddling
- whines when you or he has to leave lol
- " good night baby, I love you." he'd peck your cheek and hold you tightly. * not too tight though ofc
- sometimes watches you sleep though * like a creep, jpp
- since he can't resist you * like always
- likes being babied by you * not too much though
- so sometimes you're the big spoon
- but usually he would also want to be the big spoonie
- especially when you two are going to bed for the night
- alright that's all for taeyongie lol

 * not too tight though ofc - sometimes watches you sleep though * like a creep, jpp - since he can't resist you * like always - likes being babied by you * not too much though - so sometimes you're the big spoon - but usually he would also want t...

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Hello everyone I'm back and this is taeyong as your boyfriend. Before I leave I just wanted to thank you all for the support you've been giving me. I can't believe we hit 1k. I know 1k might be much smaller compared to other books that have been written on here, but I'm really happy that people are enjoying what I come up with. I'll continue and try to update more and more. Again thank you omg you all are so wonderful. Stay safe and like always I love you all. - AUT
Sorry for any errors..

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