Announcements + Scenes

Start from the beginning

Something in Skarra snapped. "That. That is what ticks me off. Your fucking self righteous pompous attitude is the problem. You get to do whatever the hell you want without any repercussions."

"That is what ticks you off???" Shakes said in exclamation. This is unbelievable.

"Not only that, I still see it when we were kids for fucking sakes," Skarra faced Shakes.

"You know what ticks me off, you always ruined everything I do. Always trying to one up me in everything even if its friendly play!" Shakes fought back.

"Yeah because apparently everything I fuckin do is always compared to you and guess what bitch, I still am the worse one!" Skarra launched himself at Shakes.

The two strikers are now fighting each other. Like physically. Their hands intertwined and pushing each other like a wrestling match.

"Every time you attack someone like this, I have to clean up your mess and guess what I have to fight them back! Because apparently I'm weak one here!" Shakes rolled over, straddling Skarra between his knees.

"Bitch you still win the fights anyways even at the ones I lose in! So why the hell you can't give in for fucking once." Skarra kneed Shakes in the stomach. Making the younger man yelped and dropped next to him.

Skarra kneeled next to Shakes. "You fucking piece of shit, do you ever care for your fucking well being. Do you know how many times I worry for your sorry ass. Do you know how much pain I felt."

Shakes looked up at Skarra silently and stretched his arm out.

"Heheh didn't take you for a masochist, Skarra," Shakes finally said.

"Bitch, you're a fucking sadist," Skarra sighed as he grabbed Shakes's hand and carried him to sit up.

A peaceful silence was heard. Daring to be broken by either strikers.

"So.... when are you going to return me, my Nintendo 3DS," Shakes asked as he pat the spot next to him.

"Shit," Skarra sat at the spot. He was sweating buckets.

"What did you do?" Shakes tested.

Skarra gulped. "I accidentally deleted your save file on Pokémon Alpha Sapphire..."


"Shakes..?" Skarra knew that when it comes to games. Do not delete a player's save file.

"You motherfu-" Shakes was about to go feral.

"We have the same mother," Skarra distracted. Happy that Shakes didn't fully cursed. (#KeepShakesPure)

But that failed and was instead decked silently.


The two strikers looked around to find the head that voice belongs to. It was El Matador!

They saw El Matador with what seems to be basically everyone in the two teams and their coaches with their jaw dropped.

"Oh yeah I know right he deleted the file I worked so hard to get a shiny Kyogre and Ralts," Shakes cried. Some of the people in the crowd understand his pain.

Skarra awkwardly stand there and said "F."

"You have no say in this you son of a-"

"Again we have the same mother," Skarra thought the second time it would work. Nope he got stuck in a headlock and couldn't breathe. The true F belongs to Skarra.

"What did you say again," Shakes forcefully smiled at his teammates and Invincible United while strangling Skarra to death.

"Are you two brothers or something? Because Skarra said you two had the same mother?" Dingaan and Klaus asked.

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