Chap. 1

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"Becuse of what the Black brothers had done Mr. and Mrs. Black will temporarily do there job in a olace where you can use magic at your current age... Hogwarts"

Sirius's pov.

I swear to Merlin's trousers that this is all an accident, I never meant it.

And besides who wanted your hated parents to turn into bloody teenagers who will join you to school?!

"Mr. Sirius Black how did you did it, is it made Dark magic?"
"Mr. Regulus Black how do you feel turning your parents to teenagers again?"
"Mr. and Mrs. Black will you do your works there or learn with you kids?!"

Now where currently in the train station inside 9 3/4 quarters being guarded by Aurors as reported try to ask as some bloody crazy or obvious questions. Some people are glancing at us in amazement, etc.

I was actually planning to leave the "house", when this accident was held. I don't wanted to remember it so no flashback, and I'm NOT sorry.

"Uncle and Aunty good morning, I'm assign to--"

"Ahh Narcissa good your here, let's go to that bloody Head girl and boy compartment, Orion come on." Mother pulled father ignoring us, can you blame her though.

Her "son"s literally turned her into a 16 years old girl. Regulus beside me pouted and rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm going now then" I said carrying my trunk and left him

"Hm" Regulus replied and left in the other side where he knows his Slytherin friends are.

"Padfoot you made a crazy prank without me? I can't believe you" I just snorted as I heard Prongs yelled at me as I go to our usual compartment.

"That's not a prank it was an accident, both me and Regulus's potion homework  mixed." I reasoned and put my trunk in the empty spot of the compartment.

"Haha, it was still cool though. My mom kept laughing when she saw your mothers face in the Daily news"  Prongs said laughing as I sat beside him and the window.

"You look like a carbon copy of your father by the way" Moony replied and I groan

"No I don't look like that old man your crazy! I'm so much more handsome compared to him!" I found myself complaining and the person infront of me. My ravenclaw best friend Simon Abbot, snorted out loud making me glare at him.

"Sirius your father is like your twin brother, I thought there was two of you when you came in the platform." Frank Longbottom said and I whined

"No I don't-"

"Yes you are" A girls voice said, I look at the door,

"Hey Marls--wait NO I DON'T!"

"YES YOU DO!" Marlene yelled at me back and closed the door leaving us six in the compartment

I looked at Wormtail begging him to side with me, he looked away making me whine loud

"Would you stop with that annoying whimpering Padfoot it's annoying" Moony scolded me like a pup

"No I'm not" I glared at him making him role his eyes, Prongs just laughed not really siding to anyone.

Then a bright light appears

"Wait what's going on? Moony, Simon?!" I asked them

"I don't know either but it's blinding me!" Moony replied

"Neither do I, whoever it is make it stop" Simon said

"Wh-where not doing anything" Wormtail stuttered.

Third point of view

Group of people are taken by a weird light into a room with many individual chairs and some particular  books.

When they woke up, they pointed there wands into each other, but paused when they saw who's there.

"My my, who put us here?" Dumbledore asked everyone kindly

A paper then appeared infront of Dumbledore

'Hello guys, I'm from the future and the books infront of you are what is going to happened in the future. My name in Revy, the world paused outside and once one book finished you will go back into where you were.

The people here are:
Albus Dumbledore
Minerva Mcgonagall
Fleamont Potter
Euphemia Potter
Orion Black
Walburga Black
Bellatrix Lestrange
Timothy Riddle
Arthur Weasley
Molly Weasley
Andromeda Tonk
Ted Tonk
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Black
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Marlene Mckinnon
James Potter
Lily Evans
Remus Lupin
Mia Quinn
Peter Pettigrew
Simon Abbot
Frank Longbottom
Alice Bulstrode
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Daniel Yaxley

The foods, beds, toiletries are at the door. Please have fun...'

"Is this a prank Potter?" Lily asked him furiously

"No of course not Evans, I wouldn't prank myself" James said

Dumbledore looked at book one, he hold it then it floats surprising everyone.

Then the book enlarge itself a voice of a man was heard

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

"Who? Where stuck here to read a book about a boy?!" Walburga yelled at disbelief, ignoring the fact that the book can speak.

"Potter? James he might be my be my future grandson" Fleamont nudged his son who slowly looked at him weirdly

Till now there's no everything was normal to Harry Potter. He lived a great life with the Dursleys and his ambitious cousin Dudley. He had always known about his heritage, him being magical person. His parents dying of a Wizarding war leaving him with his only living relatives.

James flinched, if his really the father then he died? Who's the Dursley's and his future wife? He hope it is Lily.

Lily and Snape who remembered the name Dursley paled.

'No there are other Dursley's, can't be' both thought.

But things he heard aren't all complete, there are so much more about the story that he and the Dursley's themeselves don't know. He will go to a wizarding school: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There he will slowly know everything and finish a great destiny that had been waiting for him...

Some slowly smile and yawned.

If he ever survive that is.

The smile deflates and the yawn turned into an excitement or seriousness.

Lily and James felt weird, something inside them felt nervous and a weird urge of protecting the Harry that they don't know grew.

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